- Provincial superior
A provincial superior is a major superior of a
religious order acting under the order'ssuperior general and exercising a general supervision over all the local superiors in a territorial division of the order called aprovince (not to be confused with anecclesiastical province which is a group ofparticular church es under the supervision of a metropolitan). The division is generally geographical, and may consist of one or more countries, or of a part of a country only; however, one or more houses of one province may be situated within the territory of another, and thejurisdiction over the religious is personal rather than territorial. The title of the office is often abbreviated to provincial.History
The old orders had no provincial superiors; even when the monasteries were united to form congregations, the
arch-abbot of each congregation was in the position of a superior general whose powers were limited to particular cases, almost like the powers of anarchbishop over thediocese s of hissuffragan s. Provincial superiors are found in the congregations of more recent formation, which began with themendicant order s. TheHoly See hesitated for a long time before allowing the division of congregations with simplevow s, especially congregations of women, into different provinces as a regular institution, and some congregations have no such division.The provincial superior is ordinarily appointed by the provincial chapter, subject to confirmation by the general chapter: in the
Society of Jesus ; he is appointed by the general. The "Regulations" (Normae) of18 June ,1901 , vest the appointment of the provincial in the general council. The provincial superior is never elected for life, but ordinarily for three or six years. In religious orders he is a regularprelate , and has the rank of ordinary with quasi-episcopal jurisdiction. He appoints the regularconfessor s, calls together theprovincial chapter , presides over its deliberations, and takes care that the orders of thegeneral chapter and the superior general are properly carried out. He is an "ex officio" member of the general chapter. His principal duty is to make regularvisitation s of the houses in his province in the name of the general and to report to the latter on all the religious and the property of the order; his authority over the various houses and local superiors differs in different orders. He has in many cases the right of appointment to the less important offices. At the end of his term of office, the provincial is bound, according to the Constitution "Nuper" ofInnocent XII (23 December 1697 ), to prove that he has complied with all the precepts of that decree concerningmass es; if he fails to do so, he loses his right to be elected and to vote in the general chapter.In accordance with the privilege granted to the Society of Jesus, the provincial superior of a religious order is authorized to approve of oratories set apart for the celebration of Mass in the convents of his order; these oratories may receive the blessing usually given to public oratories, and may not be permanently diverted from their sacred uses, except for good reason and with the approval of the provincial. In congregations with simple vows and not exempt, the provincial has no power of jurisdiction. According to the "Regulations" of 1901, his duty is also to supervise the financial administration of the provincial procurator and the local superiors.
A unique case was eastern Paraguay, where the Spanish colonial authorities allowed the Jesuit missionaries to establish both the Catholic faith and a unique, humane regime for the local
Guarani Indian tribes, making their provincial superior thegovernor of the first autonomous Indian reserve, known as the (Jesuit) Misones or Reductiones, till 1667, ten years after a Guarani rebellion against increased abuse by the regular colonial authorities: the territory lost its status and was divided up between Spain (then under theviceroyalty of la Plata , previously part of Upper Peru) and Portugal (Brazil)List of famous provincial superiors
Society of Jesus
** Brazil:José de Anchieta
** Brazil:Manoel da Nóbrega External links
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