station — [ stasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • fin XIIe; lat. statio, de stare « se tenir debout, s arrêter » I ♦ 1 ♦ Fait de s arrêter au cours d un déplacement. ⇒ arrêt, halte, pause. Une brève station. « on fit station devant une armoire vitrée où s étalaient des bijoux … Encyclopédie Universelle
pirate radio — ‘Pirate radio’, as we know it, began at sea in 1958 with Radio Mercur broadcasting to Denmark from the ship Cheeta. Piracy hit Britain from Radio Veronica’s ship when the Commercial Neutral Broadcasting Company made its first ever sea pirate… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
pirate — [ pirat ] n. m. • 1213; lat. pirata, gr. peiratês 1 ♦ Anciennt Aventurier qui courait les mers pour piller les navires de commerce. ⇒ boucanier, corsaire, écumeur, flibustier, forban. « purger les mers des pirates qui les infestaient » (Bossuet) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pirate radio in North America — CubaGovernment propaganda stationsSince the 1960s and the advent of the revolutionary government of Fidel Castro, the United States has engaged in a number of overt and covert political broadcasting operations intended to undermine the government … Wikipedia
Pirate radio — For other uses, see Pirate Radio (disambiguation). Pirate radio is illegal or unregulated radio transmission. The term is most commonly used to describe illegal broadcasting for entertainment or political purposes, but is also sometimes used for… … Wikipedia
Pirate television — A pirate television station is a broadcast TV station that operates without official or government licensing.Like its counterpart pirate radio, the term pirate TV lacks a specific universal interpretation. It implies a form of broadcasting that… … Wikipedia
Pirate radio in Australasia — Australian radio audiences have had little to no exposure of pirate radio. There were no broadcasts as part of the World War II propaganda campaigns and only commercial stations were available during the late 1980s and early 1990s a period when… … Wikipedia
Pirate radio in Limerick — Limerick has had an amount of pirate radio stations over the years, however not many of these have had sufficient longevity to make a significant impact.The biggest radio stations in the region from the late 70s to mid 80s were RLWE (Radio… … Wikipedia
pirate — pi‧rate [ˈpaɪərət ǁ ˈpaɪrət] noun [countable] LAW 1. a person or organization that dishonestly copies and sells films, tapes etc for which the copyright (= legal ownership) belongs to others: • Manufacturers fear that the city may emerge as a new … Financial and business terms
Pirate Radio (disambiguation) — Pirate Radio can refer to: * Pirate radio, the practice of broadcasting illegal or unregulated radio transmissions * Pirate Radio, the nickname of WSOU 89.5FM, the radio station of Seton Hall University * Pirate Radio (Nashville), a radio program … Wikipedia