- World Chess Live
World Chess Live (WCL) is an
Internet chess server devoted to the play and discussion ofchess that launched on1 June 2007 . It is owned byInternet Chess Club and was formed from the merger ofChess Live andWorld Chess Network after the Internet Chess Club bought those two sites. [ [http://www.chessclub.com/tryicc/wcl.html "World Chess Network and Chess Live Merge into New ICC Service"] , Internet Chess Club,May 14 ,2007 ] Members of the merged sites carried their user names and rankings through to WCL.Playing
There are several ways of getting a game.1. You can seek a game, and post it on the seek ads, where someone can click it.2. You can directly match a player.3. Or you can enter the Pool. Pools are marked for 1 0, 5 0, and 15 0. In a pool you can play anyone. Hence, you could play someone who is on your no-play list. Joining a pool is the quickest way of getting a game.
Beside the three options above, there is always the option of joining a tournament.You can request a tournament in the various channels:WildBot (for Wild Variant Chess)Slomato (for 15 0 +)Cooly (for 5 0 to 14 0)Flash (for quick chess)
Post your request in the right channel, and you may get a tournament going. Join in and once the right amount of players are in, the tournament will start.
Play all the rounds, and try your best for the top three spots!Tournaments are a fun way of getting a few games in.
You can also view your Tournament Profile.Simply type in (the Console): tell tournamentbot fiYou will get:
>TournamentBot finger info on (your name):
> Registered since: --First Tournament played here--
> Last played : --Last tournament played on this date--
> Tourneys Played : --Total amount of tournaments played--
> # [ 1st PLACE ] = --Total first place
> # [ 2nd PLACE ] = --Total second place
> # [ 3rd PLACE ] = --Total third place
> bannings = --How many times you have been banned from tournament play
> dr-pts = --Disruptive Points --if you have been disruptive
> no-tourney =
> forfeit/leave = --Number of tournaments you have been forfeited from
Dr-pts are given to you if you have been disruptive
These are added on in situations where you have: played casual games, will not start your game, idling and not coming back.
Some tournaments offer prizes. To learn about these, and other Scheduled Tournaments, read below.Events
Scheduled Tournaments
WCL offers a wide range of chesstournaments . Many of these are scheduled events.Below is a list of scheduled tournaments.
Note: All times are EST (New York)
Those marked with an * are Prize Tournaments. Prizes are Membership extensions.USCF Quick Rated Tournaments
WCL now offers USCF Quick-Rated tournaments, similar to those held on the originalChess Live . These are held Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. and Sundays at 7:00 p.m. [ [http://www.worldchesslive.com/uscf/GrandPrix08 "USCF 2008 World Chess Live Online Grand Prix"] , World Chess Live,August 17 ,2008 ]
These tournaments will affect your USCF Quick Rating, and are exclusively available to members who have a valid USCF ID number. Those who do not are encouraged to sign up. There is a standard fee of $3 per tournament. These are to be taken as seriously as an Over The Board (OTB) Tournament. All USCF and WCL rules apply.To view the final results of a tournament go to the USCF website (http://uschess.org) and on the Sidebar click: Clubs and Tourneys. Click 'Past Event Crosstables' and then under the Affiliated Box type in World Chess Live And under their name you can find the past tournaments played, the results, and how your rating has changed (remember, only your Quick Rating will have changed).
Predict-A-MoveBesides Prize Tournaments, another common event is Predict-A-Move, or PAM. To play, look for the announcements in the channels and Main Console.
Steps to playing PAM
1. Click 'join' on one of the announcements
2. Get ready for the game to begin.
3. When the game begins move the pieces where you think the opponents will place them.For example, if you think white's first move will be 'e4', simply move the pawn to e4. Your answer will be locked in.Master Challenge Another event is the Master Challenge, which is a chess simul with a ranked player.Players of any rating can participate in this event which pits the "regular Joe" player against a FIDE ranked [W] IM, [W] FM, [W] GM, [W] -Woman
These are held almost daily, or whenever a titled player is available.
Live Coverage Events played worldwide (such as the World Championships, Corus, Man vs. Machine) are displayed by the Relay Team on WCL. Whenever there is a tournament going on, you can watch the Titled Players battle it out in the convenience of your home (or office) computer.
When a live tournament is happening, watch for announcements. Click 'observe' for the game you want to watch.Groups
Currently There are 154 groups.Many of them are states or countries. To view the entire list use the command 'g-list'; a full list of Group Commands can be found below with explanations.
Many groups need permission to be allowed to join.One particular group which requires authorization of membership is the PrivateTourney group. This group is for the members who can participate in the USCF QRs. (see above)
Group Commands
*(name) means the name of the group you are interested in.
To view the list of groups: "g-list"-If you see a particular group that you may be interested in, you can see what it offers by: "g-describe (name)"
--To see the members of the group: "g-list-members (name)"
---To see the top rated member: "g-best (name)"
----To see current members on:" who &(name)"
To join a group simply type in: g-join (name).Group Moderators
To invite people:
"g-invite (player) (name)"To kick people out:
"g-kick (player) (name)"To see people who have registered and need your A-OK:
"g-list-joining"To send a Group "newsletter" (or message of sorts):
"g-message (name) Add text here"
To see what groups you are currently in simply type in 'fi' and at the bottom of your profile it will list it.References
External links
* [http://www.worldchesslive.com/ Official site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.