Christoph Schwoebel

Christoph Schwoebel

Christoph Schwoebel, b. 1955, is now Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Tübingen (2004-); he previously held similar positions as Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Kiel (1993-1999), and Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Heidelberg (1999-2004) He did his Doctorate on Martin Rade in (1978), published as "Martin Rade : das Verhältnis von Geschichte, Religion und Moral als Grundproblem seiner Theologie" by Christoph Schwöbel. Gütersloh : G. Mohn, 1980. ISBN: 9783579001661.

elected Books

* "God: Action and Revelation". Kampen, the Netherlands : Kok Pharos Pub. House, ©1992. ISBN: 9789024230976
* "Christlicher Glaube im Pluralismus : Studien zu einer Theologie der Kultur" Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2003. ISBN: 9783161482281
* "Gott in Beziehung : Studien zur Dogmatik". Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2002. ISBN: 9783161478468

Other Selected English Publications

'Wolfhart Pannenberg' in The Modern Theologians, Volume One, ed. David Ford, pp.257-292 (Blackwell, 1989, 1997 [2nd ed.] )

'The Creature of the Word: Recovering the Ecclesiology of the Reformers' in On Being the Church: Essays on the Christian Community, eds. Colin Gunton & Daniel Hardy, pp.110-155 (T & T Clark, 1989)

'Particularity, Universality, and the Religions. Toward a Christian Theology of Religions' in Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered, ed. G. D'Costa, pp.30-45 (Orbis, 1990)

(eds.) with Colin Gunton, Persons, Divine and Human (T & T Clark, 1991)

'Introduction' in Persons, Divine and Human, pp.1-29 (T & T Clark, 1991)

'Human Being as Relational Being: Tweleve Theses for a Christian Anthropology' in Persons, Divine and Human, pp. 141-170 (T & T Clark, 1991)

'Imago Libertatis: Human and Divine Freedom' in God and Freedom, ed. Colin Gunton, pp.57-81 (T & T Clark, 1995)

(ed.) Trinitarian Theology Today: Essays on Divine Being and Act (T & T Clark, 1995)

'Introduction: The Renaissance of Trinitarian Theology: Reasons, Problems and Tasks' in Trinitarian Theology Today: Essays on Divine Being and Act, pp.1-30 (T & T Clark, 1995)

'Christology and Trinitarian Thought' in Trinitarian Theology Today: Essays on Divine Being and Act, pp.113-146 (T & T Clark, 1995)

'God, Creation and the Christian Community: The Dogmatic Basis of a Christian Ethic of Createdness' in The Doctrine of Creation, ed. Colin Gunton, pp.149-176 (T & T Clark, 1997)

'God is Love. The Model of Love and the Trinity', NZSTh 40:307-328 (1998)

'Last Things First? The Century of Eschatology in Retrospect' in The Future as God's Gift, eds. David Fergusson and Marcel Sarot, pp. 217-241 (T & T Clark, 2000)

'Theology' in The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth, ed. John Webster, pp.17-36 (Cambridge University Press, 2000)

'Once Again, Christ and Culture: Remarks on the Christological Bases of a Theology of Culture' in Trinity, Time and Church, ed. Colin Gunton, pp.103-125 (Eerdmans, 2000)

'The Church as a Cultural Space. Eschatology and Ecclesiology' in The End of the World and the Ends of God. Science and Theology on Eschatology, eds. John Polkinghorne and M. Welker, pp.107-123 (Harrisburg / Penns. 2000)

'Introduction: The Preacher's Art: Preaching Theologically' in Theology Through Preaching by Colin Gunton, pp.1-20 (T & T Clark, 2001)

'Radical Monotheism and the Trinity', NZSTh 43:54-74 (2001)

The Quest for an Adequate Theology of Grace and the Future of Lutheran Theology: A Response to Robert Jenson', Dialog 42.1:24-31 (2003)

'Reconciliation: From Biblical Observations to Dogmatic Reconstruction' in The Theology of Reconiliation, ed. Colin Gunton, pp.13-38 (T & T Clark, 2003)

'A Tribute to Colin Gunton' in The Person of Christ, eds. Murray Rae and Stephen Holmes, pp.13-18 (T & T Clark, 2005)

'Christ for Us - Yesterday and Today: A Response to 'The Person of Christ" in The Person of Christ, eds. Murray Rae and Stephen Holmes, pp.182- (T & T Clark, 2005)

'Recovering Human Dignity' in God and Human Dignity, eds. R. Kendall Soulen & Linda Woodhead, pp.44-58 (Eerdmans, 2006)

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