- Orthodox parishes in California
*St. Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral (Church of Serbia)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-RO-TUSFVM Falling Asleep of the Ever-Virgin Mary Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/anaheim/st_james_church St. James Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.StJohnAnaheim.org/ St. John the Baptist Church] (GOARCH )
*Nativity of the Theotokos Church (JP)Angels Camp
*St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Mission (Church of Serbia)
*Christ the Saviour Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
* [http://www.greeks.net/st.george St. George Church] (
GOARCH )Belmont
* [http://www.goholycross.org/ Holy Cross Church] (
GOARCH )Ben Lomond
* [http://www.sspeterandpaulonline.com Ss. Peter and Paul Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-BERSJB St. John the Baptist Church] (OCA)
*Church of All Russian Saints (
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR))Calistoga
*Russian Orthodox Church of St. Simeon Verkhotursky ROCOR)
* [http://www.saintdem.org St. Demetrios Church] (
GOARCH )Campbell
* [http://www.protomartyr.org St. Stephen Church] (Antiochan)
* [http://www.stsconstantinehelen.com St. Helen and Constantine Church] (
GOARCH )Castro Valley
* [http://www.anastasi.org/ Church of the Resurrection] (
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-CCOOMC Ss. Cyril and Methodius Mission] (OCA)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-RO-CLACCM St. John the Evangelist Mission] (OCA)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-BU-CONHEP Holy Epiphany Mission] (OCA)
* [http://www.stdemetrios.ca.goarch.org/ St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church] (GOARCH )
* [http://www.stmichael.org St. Michael the Archangel Church] (OCA)Costa Mesa
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/costa_mesa/st_barnabas_church St. Barnabas Church] (Antiocian)
* [http://www.SaintNectarios.org/ St. Nectarios Church] (
*Annunciation Church (JP)Culver City
* [http://www.joyofallwhosorrow.org Mission of "Joy of All Who Sorrow"] (OCA)
Diamond Springs
*St. Elias Orthodox Mission (ROCOR)
* [http://www.stgeorgedowney.org/ St. George Greek Orthodox Church] (
GOARCH )Dunlap
* [http://sf.goarch.org/stnicks/ St. Nicholas Chapel] (
GOARCH )El Cajon
* [http://www.stgregory.ca.goarch.org/ St. Gregory of Nyssa] (
GOARCH )Elk Grove
* [http://www.saintkatherine.org/ St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church] (
GOARCH )Escondido
*St. Elias Church (JP)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-EURSIM St. Innocent Mission] (OCA)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/fairfield/st_timothy_church St. Timothy Church] (Antiochian)
Fair Oaks
*Holy Assumption of the Mother of God Church (Church of Serbia)
* [http://www.slocc.com/ St. Lawrence Church] (JP)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-AL-FOLHTM Holy Trinity Mission] (OCA)
* [http://www.stchristinaorthodox.org/ St. Christina of Tyre Mission] (OCA)
* [http://www.stinnocent.net St Innocent Mission] (OCA)Fresno
* [http://www.stgeorgefresno.com St. George Church] (
*St. Peter the Apostle Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)Garden Grove
* [http://www.stlukesoc.org St. Luke Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.stathanasius.org St. Athanasius Church] (Antiochian)
*Holy Virgin of Kazan Church (ROCOR)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-RO-OAKHRM Holy Resurrection Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-HESSGM St. George the Great Martyr Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/irvine/st_mark_church St. Mark Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.stpaulsirvine.org/ St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church] (GOARCH )Jackson
*St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/lompoc/st_timothy_church St. Timothy Church] (Antiocian)
Long Beach
* [http://www.assumptionlb.org/ Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church] (
GOARCH )Los Alamitos
* Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
Los Altos Hills
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/los_altos_hills/orthodox_church_of_the_redeemer Orthodox Church of the Redeemer] (Antiochian)
Los Angeles
* [http://www.elevationoftheholycross.org Elevation of the Holy Cross Romanian Orthodox Church] (RomArch)
*Holy Transfiguration Cathedral (ROCOR)
* [http://www.biserica.org Holy Trinity Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.hvmla.org/ Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral] (OCA)
* [http://www.fatheralexander.org/ Protection of the Holy Virgin Church] (ROCOR)
*St. Andrew Church (UOCUSA)
*St. George Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church (Bulgarian Diocese USA)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-BU-LAXSJB St. John the Baptist Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-BU-LAXSKO St. Kliment of Ochrid Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.stnicholasla.com St. Nicholas Cathedral] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.stsophia.org/ St. Sophia Cathedral] (GOARCH )
* St. Vladimir Church (UOCUSA)Los Osos
* [http://www.descentoftheholyspirit.org/ Descent of the Holy Spirit Church] (JP)
Menlo Park
* [http://www.tserkov.org Nativity of the Holy Virgin Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.stmarymagdalenechurch.org St. Mary Magdalene Orthodox Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.goannunciation.org/ Annunciation Church] (
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/modesto/st_james_mission St James Mission] (Antiochian)Moraga
*Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
Nevada City
* [http://holywisdomnevadacity.org Holy Wisdom Church] ( [http://uaoc.org UAOC] )
* [http://www.st-nicholas.info St. Nicholas Church] (
GOARCH )Novato
* [http://www.nativityofchrist.org/ Nativity of Christ Church] (
GOARCH )Oakland
* [http://www.ascensioncathedral.org/ Ascension Cathedral] (
*St. George Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)Orinda
*Holy Cross Church (Antiochian)
* [http://www.stjohnorinda.org St. John the Evangelist Church] (Antiochian)Oxnard
* [http://www.oxnardchurch.org/ Holy Trinity Church] (ROCOR)
* [http://www.sthermanparish.org St. Herman Church] (OCA)Palmdale
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/palmdale/holy_cross_mission Holy Cross Church] (Antiochian)
Palm Desert
* [http://www.saintgeorgeorthodoxchurch.org St. George Church] (
GOARCH )Palm Springs
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-RO-PSGSMG Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/886 St. Raphael Antiochian Orthodox Mission] (Antiochian)Palo Alto
*Protection of the Holy Virgin Church (ROCOR)
* [http://www.saint-anthonys.org/ St. Anthony Church] (
GOARCH )Pomona
* [http://www.stanneorthodox.org/ St. Anne Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.stjohn1.homestead.com St. John of Damascus Church] (OCA)
Rancho Cordova
*St. Stephen Church (JP)
*St. Andrew Fool-for-Christ Serbian Orthodox Mission (Church of Serbia)
* [http://www.stgeorgeredding.com St. George Mission Church] (GOARCH )
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-REDOCX St. Nicholas of Japan Church] (OCA)Redondo
* [http://www.stkatherinegoc.org St. Katherine Church] (
GOARCH )Riverside
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/riverside/st_andrew_church St. Andrew Church] (Antiochian)
Rohnert Park
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/rohnert_park/all_saints_mission All Saints Mission] (Antiochian)
*St. George Church (JP)Roseville
* [http://www.gosaintanna.org/ St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church] (
GOARCH )acramento
* [http://www.annunciation.ca.goarch.org Annunciation Church] (
*Church of Christ's Ascension (ROCOR)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-SACEHC Elevation of the Holy Cross Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.invierea-domnului.org Holy Resurrection Romanian Orthodox Church] (RomArch)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/sacramento/st_athanasius_church St. Athanasius Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-RO-SJOSMG Ss. Michael and Gabriel Church] (OCA)alinas
* [http://www.stjohn-monterey.org/ St. John the Baptist Church] (
GOARCH )an Anselmo
* [http://www.stnicholasmarin.org/ St. Nicholas Church] (OCA)
an Bernardino
* [http://www.stprophetelias.com/ Prophet Elias Church] (
GOARCH )an Diego
* [http://www.orthodox-sandiego.net/ St. John of Kronstadt Russian Orthodox Church] (ROCOR)
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-RO-SANEHC Holy Cross Mission] (OCA)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/san_diego/st_anthony_church St. Anthony Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/san_diego/st_george_church St. George Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://stgeorge-soc.org St. George Serbian Orthodox Church] (Church of Serbia )
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-SANSNC St. Nicholas Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.goarch.org/en/parishes/search_detail.asp?id=1143 St. Spyridon Church] (GOARCH )
*Our Lady of Kazan Orthodox Church (MP)an Dimas
* [http://www.stpeterantiochian.org St. Peter the Apostle Church] (Antiochian)
an Francisco
* [http://www.wadiocese.com Holy Virgin "Joy of All Who Sorrow" Russian Orthodox Cathedral] (ROCOR)
* [http://www.ANNUNCIATION.org/ Annunciation Cathedral] (GOARCH )
* [http://www.sobor.org Christ the Saviour Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.holy-trinity.org Holy Trinity Cathedral] (OCA)
* [http://www.holytrinitysf.org Holy Trinity Church] (GOARCH )
*St. John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
*St. Michael Church (UOCUSA)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/san_francisco/st_nicholas_church St. Nicholas Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.strannik.com/church/index.html Mission of the Synaxis of the Theotokos] (OCA)
*St. Nicholas Cathedral (MP)
*St. George Church (JP)
* [http://www.kazanchurch.org/ Russian Orthodox Church of Our Lady of Kazan] (ROCOR)an Jose
* [http://www.stbasil.com/ St. Basil Church] (
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-RO-SAJHCM Holy Cross Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.saintnicholas.org/ St. Nicholas Church] (GOARCH )
* [http://www.sjorthodox.org/ St. James Church] (JP)an Gabriel
*St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
an Juan Capistrano
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/san_juan_capistrano/st_john_the_theologian_mission St John the Theologian MIssion] (Antiochian)
an Leandro
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-BU-BRRSKM Ss. Kyrill and Methodius Mission] (OCA)
an Luis Obispo
* [http://www.goarch.org/en/parishes/search_detail.asp?id=1636 St. Andrew the Apostle Greek Orthodox Church] (
GOARCH )an Marcos
*St. Petka Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
anta Barbara
* [http://www.saintbarbara.net/ St. Barbara Church] (
GOARCH )anta Clara
*Pokrov Serbian Orthodox Church (Church of Serbia)
anta Cruz
* [http://www.propheteliassantacruz.org The Prophet Elias Church] (
GOARCH )anta Rosa
* [http://www.saintseraphim.com Protection of the Holy Virgin Church] (OCA)
* [http://saratoga.serbian-church.net/ St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church] (Church of Serbia)
* [http://www.stnicholassaratoga.org St. Nicholas Church] (OCA)herman Oaks
*St Patrick Orthodox Mission (RomArch)
pring Valley
*St. Mary Protectress Church (UOCUSA)
* [http://www.stbasilstockton.org/ St. Basil Church] (
GOARCH )Tarzana
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-TARSIC St. Innocent Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.stnicholastemecula.com St. Nicholas Church] (
GOARCH )Torrance
*Ss Archangels Romanian Orthodox Church (RomArch)
* [http://www.saint-matthew.net/ St. Matthew Church] (Anthiochian)Upland
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/upland/st_george_church St. George Church] (Antiochian)
* [http://www.saintspyridon.org/ St. Spyridon Church] (GOARCH )Vallejo
* [http://home.pacbell.net/stscandh/ Ss. Constantine and Helen Church] (
GOARCH )Van Nuys
* [http://www.stmichaelvannuys.org/ St. Michael Church] (Antiochian)
Walnut Creek
*Sts. Peter and Paul Church (JP)
West Sacramento
* [http://www.oca.org/DIRlisting.asp?SID=9&KEY=OCA-WE-BRYHMW Holy Myrrhbearing Women Church] (OCA)
* [http://www.antiochian.org/western_region/california/w_sacramento/virgin_mary_church Virgin Mary Church] (Antiochian)Whittier
* [http://www.stmichaelwhittier.org/ St. Michael Church] (Antiochian)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.