Davi Paes Silva

Davi Paes Silva

Davi Paes Silva is the current President for the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, a post to which he was elected in September 2003. He also holds the position of Editorial Committee Director. As a minister Davi Paes Silva currently serves as head pastor for the Roanoke SDARM Church in Virginia, USA.

Born February 24, 1945, in Brazil, he was baptized as a member of the SDARM November 11, 1961 and entered the missionary training institution of the Brazilian Union of that denomination located in the city of Curitiba the same year. He married his wife, Alexandrina Bertelli, five years later on February 27, 1966. He has two children, Julio Cesar Bertelli Silva (born April 21, 1969) and Sandra Valquiria Bertelli Silva (born August 16, 1970).

Ordained to the ministry February 27, 1977, Davi quickly rose through the denominational structure serving as a colporteur leader, then youth leader of the São Paulo Field, then youth leader of the Brazilian Union and eventually Corporate Secretary for the Brazilian Union. At this point he was recognized for his service by being elected to the position of worldwide youth director for the denomination. Following this he served as regional secretary for South America. In 1995, at the General Conference delegation session held in Romania, he was elected as Corporate Secretary for the denomination and at this time moved his residence to Virginia, USA, a short distance from the headquarters of the denomination in Roanoke. In 1999, he was elected as Regional Secretary for North America, a position he held until being elected 1st Vice-President in 2003. He also held a number of additional positions within the same organization, including Welfare Department Director and Secretary of the Doctrinal Working Committee. He is presently the organization President, a post to which he was elected in September 2011.

He is the author of the acclaimed book Saved by Grace which was published in 2003 in Portuguese, English, Spanish and is now available in Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian and a number of other languages.


  • Alfons Balbach, The History of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 1999.
  • Davi Paes Silva, Saved by Grace, 1999.
  • The Reformation Herald, January - March 2004, pp. 10, 34, 35.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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