- Georg Mehlis
Georg Mehlis (
1878 -1942 ) was a Germanneo-Kantian philosopher . Initially he was aphilosopher of history in the style ofHeinrich Rickert .He edited (with
Richard Kroner ) "Logos, Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie der Kultur", from 1910 ("Logos" was the title from 1912), with contributions by many leading German intellectual figures; which had an Italian stable-mate from 1914.He turned in the 1920s to an interest in
mysticism ; and then wrote books onfascism . His ideas onaesthetics have been taken up bySuzanne Langer .Works
*Die Geschichtsphilosophie Auguste Comtes (1909)
*Einführing in ein Systeme der Religionsphilosophie (1917)
*Probleme der Ethik (1918)
*Über Formen der modernen Lyrik und Epik (Axel Lübbe). Eine kunstphilosophische Studie (1922)
* Die deutsche Romantik (1922)
*Plotin (1924)
*Die Mystik in der Fülle ihrer Erscheinungsformen in allen Zeiten und Kulturen (1927)
*Die Idee Mussolinis und der Sinn des Faschismus (1928)
*Der Staat Mussolinis (1929)
*Philosophie der Gegenwart (1932)
*Freiheit und Faschismus (1934)
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