List of megamouth shark specimens and sightings

List of megamouth shark specimens and sightings

This list of megamouth shark specimens and sightings is a comprehensive listing of all recorded human encounters with "Megachasma pelagios", popularly known as the megamouth shark.

List of megamouth sharks

Records are listed chronologically in descending order and numbered accordingly.

*Date – Date on which the specimen was first captured, found, or observed.
*Location – Area where the specimen was found.
*Sex – Sex and sexual maturity of the specimen.
*Size – Data relating to measurements. Abbreviations used are based on standardised acronyms in ichthyology (see Measurements).
*Method of capture – Circumstances in which the specimen was recovered or observed.
*Disposition – Repository or otherwise fate of the specimen.
*References – Primary sources for each specimen as well as later publications that refer to the specimen.
*Notes – Miscellaneous information.


*BD — body diameter.
*PCL — precaudal length, also known as normal length. It is the length from the tip of the snout to the precaudal pit measured in a straight line.
*TL — total length from the tip of the snout to the tip of the longer lobe of the caudal fin, usually measured with the lobes compressed along the midline. It is a straight line measure, not measured over the curve of the body.
*WT — total mass of specimen.


* [Anonymous] 1983a. New species of shark lacks sharp teeth. "Syracuse Herald-Journal" September 12, 1983.
* [Anonymous] 1983b. Shark Seen As Evolution Clue. "The New York Times" September 13, 1983.
* [Anonymous] 1983c. 'Lips' — new clue to evolution? "The Chronicle Telegram" September 13, 1983.
* [Anonymous] 1983d. Wimp Kin Of 'Jaws' Discovered. "The Miami Herald" September 13, 1983.
* [Anonymous] 1983e. Big-mouth shark an evolution key. "The Daily Herald" September 14, 1983.
* [Anonymous] 1983f. Bizarre Sharks Come To Light. "The New York Times" October 25, 1983.
* [Anonymous] 1984a. Bigmouth is vegetarian and very rare. "The Chronicle Telegram" November 30, 1984.
* [Anonymous] 1984b. Rare Megamouth Shark Caught Off California. "Lexington Herald-Leader" December 6, 1984.
* [Anonymous] 1988a. Shark With Luminescent Lips Washes Ashore Off Australia. "St. Louis Post-Dispatch" August 21, 1988.
* [Anonymous] 1988b. International interest in megamouth. "Western Australian Museum, Your Museum" [September] :1–4.
* [Anonymous] 1990a. Rare Shark Caught By California Fisherman. "The Washington Post" October 23, 1990.
* [Anonymous] 1990b. Encounter With 'Alien Out Of The Depths': Scientists Set Megamouth Shark Free. "San Jose Mercury News" October 23, 1990.
* [Anonymous] 1990c. Megamouth Shark Freed. "The Atlanta Journal"/"The Atlanta Constitution" October 23, 1990.
* [Anonymous] 1990d. Divers And Shark. "The Miami Herald" October 24, 1990.
* [Anonymous] 1991a. Megamouth Alive! "Sea Frontiers" 37(1): 21.
* [Anonymous] 1991b. Megamouth Reveals a Phantom Shark's Realm. "National Geographic" 179(3): 136.
* [Anonymous] 2002. South Africa: Mega Excitement Over Rare Shark Discovery. "All Africa" April 23, 2002.
* [Anonymous] 2004. [ Rare shark dies on shore of Iloilo town; bewilders, awes townfolk] . "The Manila Bulletin Online".
* [Anonymous] 2006. [ Rare shark dies in Bayawan] . "The Visayan Daily Star" January 27, 2006.
*Amorim, A.F., C.A. Arfeli & J.I. Castro 2000. Description of a juvenile megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", caught off Brazil. "Environm. Biol. Fishes" 59(2): 117–123.
*Amorim, A.F., L. Fagundes, C.A. Arfelli & F.E.S. Costa 1995. Occurrence of megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios" Taylor, Compagno & Struhsaker, 1983, in the Atlantic. VII Reunião do Grupo de Trabalho sobre pesca e pesquisa de tubarões e raias no Brasil. Rio Grande do Sul.
*Bagarinao, T.U. 2004. [ Megamouth Shark #26 Stranded In Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Baldo, M. & E.T. Elizaga 1998. [ Megamouth Shark #11] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Berra, T.M. & J.B. Hutchins 1988. [ Third Megamouth Shark, caught off Mandurah, Australia, August 18, 1988] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Berra, T.M. & J.B. Hutchins 1990. A specimen of megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios" (Megachasmidae) from Western Australia. "Rec. West. Aust. Mus." 14(4): 651–656.
*Berra, T.M. & J.B. Hutchins 1991. Natural history notes on the megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", from Western Australia. "West. Aust. Nat." 18(8): 224–233.
*Boonyapiwat, S. & C. Vidthayanon 2002. [ Megamouth Shark #16 Caught in East Indian Ocean] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Burgess, G. 2006. [ Megamouth Shark #37] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Cabig, A. 2006. [ Megamouth Shark #35 Caught Off Of Barra, Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Castillo-Géniz, J.L. 2006. [ Megamouth Shark # 38: The First Megamouth Shark, "Megachasma pelagios", Found in Mexican Waters] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Castro, J.I. 1994. [ Megamouth Shark #7 Caught in Fukuoka, Japan] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Castro, J.I. & O.B.F. Gadig 1995. [ Megamouth Shark #9 Caught off Brazil and now displayed in the Instituto de Pesca, São Paulo, Brazil] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Castro, J.I., E. Clark, K. Yano K. Nakaya 1997. The gross anatomy of the female reproductive tract and associated organs of the Fukuoka megamouth shark ("Megachasma pelagios"). In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 115–119.
*Clark, E. & J.I. Castro 1995. "Megamamma" is a virgin: dissection of the first female specimen of "Megachasma pelagios". "Envionmental Biology of Fishes" 43: 329–332.
*Cressey, R. & H. Boyle 1978. A New Genus and Species of Parasitic Copepod (Pandaridae) from a Unique New Shark. "Pacific Science" 32(1): 25–30.
*Diamond, J.M. 1985. Filter-feeding on a grand scale. "Nature" 316: 679–680.
*Dunford, B. 1976. "Associated Press" November 16, 1976.
**Huge shark hauled from depths. "Stevens Point Daily Journal" November 17, 1976.
**'Megamouth' is caught. "Neenah-Menasha Northwestern" November 17, 1976.
**'Megamouth' Shark no Maneater. "The Daily Times-News" November 17, 1976.
**Navy captures 'Megamouth'. "The Advocate" November 17, 1976.
**New Species Of Shark. "The Gettysburg Times" November 17, 1976.
**New Species Of Shark Caught Near Honolulu. "The Daily Times" November 17, 1976.
**New Species Of Shark Under Study. "Indiana County Gazette" November 17, 1976.
**New Type Of Shark Reported. "Herald Times Reporter" November 17, 1976.
**Scientists say shark with a movie star mouth new species. "The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune" November 17, 1976.
**Scientists snag new shark species. "Walla Walla Union-Bulletin" November 17, 1976.
**A new species of shark is caught deep off Hawaii. "The Modesto Bee" November 18, 1976.
**Big-mouthed shark caught, may be of unknown species. "Winnipeg Free Press" November 18, 1976.
**Big-Mouth Shark May Be New Type. "San Mateo Times" November 18, 1976.
**Unusual Shark Found Off Hawaii. "The Washington Post" November 18, 1976.
**Huge new shark named 'Megamouth'. "The Post Crescent" November 20, 1976.
**Experts believe shark is a new species. "Great Bend Tribune" November 28, 1976.
*Elizaga, E.T. 1998a. [ Megamouth Shark in Cagayan de Oro] . "EcoNews" March 18, 1998.
*Elizaga, E.T. 1998b. [ The Capture of Megamouth 11] . "EcoNews" May 29, 1998.
*Elizaga, E.T. 2005a. [ Megamouth Shark 28] .
*Elizaga, E.T. 2005b. [ Megamouth Shark #28] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Ellorin, B.G. 2005. [ Megamouth shark found dead in Oro] . "Sun Star Cagayan de Oro" January 31, 2005.
*Furuta, M. 2003. [ Personal communication] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Furuta, M. 2004. [ Megamouth Shark #25 Caught Off Ajiro, Shizuoka Japan] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. ["Ajiro Newspaper" article]
*Furuta, M. 2005. [ Megamouth Shark #27 Captured In Purse Seine off Japan] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Goto, M. 1999. Histological structure of the teeth, dermal and mucous denticles and gill rakers of a female megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagious", from Hakata Bay, Japan. "Archives of Comparative Biology of Tooth Enamel" 6: 9–18.
*Haight, T. 1990a. [ Megamouth Shark #6 Caught in Dana Point, California] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Haight, T. 1990b. [ Male Megamouth Shark caught in Dana Point, California] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Ito, H., M. Yoshimoto & H. Somiya 1999. [;2-R External Brain Form and Cranial Nerves of the Megamouth Shark, "Megachasma pelagios"] . "Copeia" [February 5] (1): 210–213.
*Johnson, C.S. 1978. Sea creatures and the problem of equipment damage. "U.S. Naval Inst. Proc." [August] : 106–107.
*Lavenberg, R.J. 1991. Megamania — the continuing saga of megamouth sharks. "Terra" 30: 30–39.
*Lavenberg, R.J. & J.A. Seigel 1985. The Pacific's megamystery — Megamouth. "Terra" 23: 30–31.
*Lin, V. 2005. [ Megamouth Shark #33] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Lin, V. 2006. [ Megamouth Shark #36 Caught in China Sea] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Lumba Lumba Dive Centre 2004. [ Megamouth Shark #23 Washes Up in Sumatra, Indonesia] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Lumingkit, E., N. Gallentes & E.M. Largo 2005. [ Megamouth Shark #28] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Maisey, J.G. 1985. Relationships of the megamouth shark, "Megachasma". "Copeia" (1): 228–231.
*Miya, M., M. Hirosawa & K. Mochizuki 1992. Occurrence of a megachasmid shark in Suruga Bay: photographic evidence. "J. Nat. Hist. Must. Inst., Chiba" 2: 41–44.
*Mollet, H.F. 2004. [ Megamouth Shark #20] . [translation of Japanese article by Victor Lin; reproduced by the Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department]
*Mollet, H.F. 2008. [ Summary of Megamouth Sharks, "Megachasma pelagios" Taylor, Compagno & Struhsaker, 1983] . Home Page of Henry F. Mollet, Research Affiliate, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.
*Morrissey, J.F. & E.T. Elizaga 1999. Capture of megamouth #11 in the Philippines. "The Philippine Scientist" 36: 143–147.
*Nakaya, K. 1989a. Discovery of a megamouth shark from Japan. "Japanese Journal of Ichthyology" 36(1): 144–146.
*Nakaya, K. 1989. Discovery of a megamouth shark from Japan. "Rep. Japan. Soc. Elasmobranch Stud." 26: 36–39.
*Nakaya, K., K. Yano, K. Takada & H. Hiruda 1997. Morphology of the first female megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios" (Elasmobranchii: Megachasmidae), landed at Fukuoka, Japan. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 51–62.
*Nelson, D.R., J.N. McKibben, W.R. Strong Jr., C.G. Lowe, J.A. Sisneros, D.M. Schroeder & R.J. Lavenberg 1997. [ An acoustic tracking of a megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios": a crepuscular vertical migrator] . "Environmental Biology of Fishes" 49(4): 389–399.
*Nielsen, J. 1988. A Mega Mystery: Reclusive giant shark has scientists guessing about the wonders of the deep. "The Orange County Register" October 12, 1988.
*Osedo, H. 2004. [ Megamouth Is Bigger Than Jaws] . "The Courier-Mail" April 23, 2004. [reproduced by the Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department]
*Parco, B.A. 2007. [ Hurt Megamouth Shark found near Cebu shore] . "Cebu Daily News" May 30, 2007.
*Pecchioni, P. & C. Benoldi 1999. [ Sperm Whales Spotted Attacking Megamouth Shark] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Petersen, D. 1999. [ Megamouth Shark #14 Caught off California] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Petersen, D. 2001. [ Megamouth Shark #15 Caught off California] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Reyes, L.S. 1998. Rare megamouth shark found. "The Philippine Daily Inquirer" 30 March, 1998.
*Robbins, G. 2003. [ Rare Shark Sighted Off Orange County, California] . "The Orange County Register" May 27, 2003. [reproduced by the Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department]
*Romero, M. & J.L.S. Cruz 2004. [ Megamouth Shark #22: Megamouth Caught for First Time in the Pacific Ocean off the Coast of South America] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Sala, I. 2006. [ Megamouth Shark #34] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Sanchez, C. 2002. [ Extremely rare Megamouth shark washes ashore in South Africa] . "Cyber Diver News Network" April 21, 2002.
*Séret, B. 1995. First record of a megamouth shark (Chondrichthyes Megachasmidae) in the Atlantic Ocean, off Senegal. "Cybium" 19: 425–427.
*Smale, M. 2002. [ Megamouth Shark #17 Washed onto South African Beach] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Smale, M.J., L.J.V. Compagno & B.A Human 2002. First megamouth shark from the western Indian Ocean and South Africa. "South African Journal of Science" 98(7-8): 349–350.
*Takada, K. 1994. Stranding of a megamouth shark in Hakata-Bay. "Rep. Japan. Soc. Elasmobranch Stud." 31: 13–16.
*Takada, K. 1995. Stranding of a megamouth shark (#7) in Hakata-Bay. "Rep. Japan. Soc. Elasmobranch Stud." 32: 25.
*Takada, K., H. Hiruda, S. Wakisaka, T. Mori & K. Nakaya 1997. Capture of the first female megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", from Hakata Bay, Fukuoka, Japan. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 3–9.
*Tanaka, S. & K. Yano 1997. Histological observations on the reproductive organs of a female megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", from Hakata Bay, Japan. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 121–129.
*Taylor, L. 1977. Megamouth. "Oceans" 10: 46–47.
*Taylor, L.R., L.J.V. Compagno & P.J. Struhsaker 1983. Megamouth — a new species, genus, and family of lamnoid shark ("Megachasma pelagios", family Megachasmidae) from the Hawaiian Islands. "Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci." 43(8): 87–110.
*Wang, J.Y. & S.-C. Yang 2005a. [ Megamouth Shark #29] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Wang, J.Y. & S.-C. Yang 2005b. [ Megamouth Shark #30] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Wang, J.Y. & S.-C. Yang 2005c. [ Megamouth Shark #31] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*Wang, J.Y. & S.-C. Yang 2005d. [ Megamouth Shark #32] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.
*White, W.T., M.A. Fahmi & K. Sumadhiharga 2004. PDFlink| [ A juvenile megamouth shark "Megachasma pelagios" (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae) from Northern Sumatra, Indonesia.] |4.97 MiB "The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology" 52(2): 603–607.
*Wood, L. 1986. Megamouth: new species of shark. "Sea Frontiers" 32(3): 192–198.
*Yabumoto, Y., M. Goto, K. Yano & T. Uyeno 1997. Dentition of a female megamouth, "Megachasma pelagios", collected from Hakata Bay, Japan. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 63–75.
*Yamaguchi, R. & K. Nakaya 1997. Fukuoka megamouth, a probable victim of the cookie-cutter shark. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 171–175.
*Yano, K., M. Goto & Y. Yabumoto 1997a. Dermal and mucous denticles of a female megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", from Hakata Bay, Japan. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 77–91.
*Yano, K., M. Toda, S. Uchida & F. Yasuzumi 1997b. Gross anatomy of the viscera and stomach contents of a megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", from Hakata Bay, Japan, with a comparison of the intestinal structure of other planktivorous elasmobranchs. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 105–113.
*Yano, K., Y. Yabumoto, H. Ogawa, T. Hasegawa, K. Naganobu, S. Matumura, Y. Misuna & K. Matumura 1997c. X-ray observations on vertebrae and dentition of a megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", from Hakata Bay, Japan. In: Yano, K., J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya (eds.) "Biology of the Megamouth Shark". Tokai University Press, Japan, pp. 21–29.
*Yano, K., Y. Yabumoto, S. Tanaka, O. Tsukada & M. Furuta 1997d. Capture of a mature female megamouth shark, "Megachasma pelagios", from Mie, Japan, pp. 335–349. In: Séret, B. & J.-Y. Sire (eds.) "Proceedings of the 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Nouméa 1999". Soc. Fr. Ictyol., Paris.
*Yano, K., O. Tsukada & M. Furuta 1998. Capture of megamouth shark number 12 from Atawa, Mie, Japan. "Ichthyological Research" 45(4): 424–426.
*Yasay, E.B. 2003. [ Megamouth Shark #18 Caught for Second Time in Philippine Waters] . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.

External links

* [ Summary of Megamouth Sharks, "Megachasma pelagios" Taylor, Compagno & Struhsaker, 1983]
* [ Distribution Table of Confirmed Megamouth Shark Sightings]
* [ "Megachasma pelagios": The Megamouth Shark]

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