

Grímsey is a small island convert|40|km|mi|0|lk=on north of Iceland, situated directly on the Arctic Circle, with the highest elevation of convert|105|m|ft|0|lk=on. The closest piece of land is the island of Flatey in Skjálfandi, convert|39.4|km|mi|1 to the south. Grímsey is a municipality ("hreppur"), its administrative name is Grímseyjarhreppur. It belongs to the county Eyjafjarðarsýsla. The population of Grímsey is approximately 100.

Grimsey is the northernmost inhabited land in Iceland. There are steep cliffs everywhere except on the southern shoreline. There is a rich vegetation cover in Grimsey of marshland, grass, and moss. There is a mild climate in Grimsey, and there are many birds there. There is a lot of fishing on Grimsey, with agriculture and collecting seabirds eggs as sidelines.

The church on Grimsey was built from driftwood in 1867 and renovated in 1956. It is under the parish of Akureyri. there is also a community center and school on Grimsey.

The highest point on Grimsey is 105 meters.

Grimsey is a popular tourist destination.


A legend has it that the Arctic Circle runs exactly through the middle of the bed of Grimsey's priest. The fact that the circle shifts by a few meters per year makes this unlikely.

The warmest temperature recorded on Grimsey is 26°C (79°F), which is equally high as the warmest temperature recorded in the capital Reykjavík. Not so trivially, the remarkably temperate climate is because of the Gulf stream's North Atlantic Current which brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to Grimsey.

Education: In Grimsey there is a school with eleven students which is grades K-8, and after they go for further education in Akureyri.

See also

*Extreme points of Iceland

External links

*is icon [ Grímsey Information]

Places along the way...Grimsey, published by Bokautgafan ad Hofi

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