

Infobox Warhammer Character

age=over 9,000 years old
profession=Hag Queen of the Witch Elves |
In the fictional world of Warhammer Fantasy, Morathi is the mother of Malekith, and the second wife of Aenarion. She was first created in the Warhammer fifth edition rules for the Dark Elves. Johnson, J. & Blanche, J. 1995. "Dark Elves Armies (Warhammer Armies)". (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd) ISBN 9781872372884] In the sixth edition rules, Morathi is the only Witch Elf allowed to use magical power; she rides a Dark Pegasus named Sulaphet and wields a lance called "heart render." Johnson, J. & Blanche, J. 1998. "Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves". (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd) ISBN 1869893166]

Fictional Biography


Morathi was rescued by Aenarion, from her captivity as a slave to a Chaos warband devoted to Slaanesh. Aenarion was enraptured by her phenomenal beauty and took Morathi as his second wife, unaware that she was secretly a worshiper of Slaanesh. Johnson, J. & Blanche, J. 1998. "Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves". (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd) ISBN 1869893166] After Aenarion died, the Cult of Pleasure began to grow in Ulthuan. It was during the time of Bel Shanaar that Malekith denounced the cult and his mother as a Chaos worshipers which led to civil war and the event the High Elves call the Sundering. Johnson, J. & Blanche, J. 1998. "Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves". (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd) ISBN 1869893166]

When Malekith was burned as he attempted to claim the Phoenix Throne, Morathi rescued him and nursed him back to health. After the Sundering, she fled with her son and his followers to Naggaroth.

After Malekith, Morathi is the most powerful Dark Elf in Naggaroth. She has spent five thousand years teaching him all that she knows of statecraft and magic. Much of her time and effort is spent increasing her and her son's power, at the detriment of her enemies. She was the first to perfect Dark magic, opening up gateways to Chaos hells and receiving unimaginable power. Johnson, J. & Blanche, J. 1998. Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves. (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd)]

The Cult of Slaanesh

Morathi is the first Hag Queen of the Witch Elves. Although the Witch elves are led by Crone Hellebron many who worship at the Temple of Khaine are loyal to Morathi. Once a year, on Death Night, she bathes in the cauldron of blood which rejuvenates her ancient body so that she remains as young and beautiful as the day she left Ulthuan. Since Hellebron is forbidden access to the true Cauldron of Blood she withers and ages. Johnson, J. & Blanche, J. 1998. "Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves". (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd) ISBN 1869893166] []

Although the Witch Elves officially worship Khaine many are loyal to Morathi. During the Storm of Chaos the Cult of Slaanesh grew in strength and openly displayed their status as worshippers of Chaos, rivaling the strength of the Khaine worshippers. Thorpe, G. 2004. Warhammer: Storm of Chaos (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd) ISBN 9781841544601]

During "the Storm of Chaos" campaign

During Games Workshop's Storm of Chaos narrative campaign, Morathi made an alliance with Chaos warbands dedicated to the worship of Slaanesh. Raising an army from the Chaos warbands and Dark Elf devotees of Slaanesh, Morathi led the Cult of Slaanesh in an invasion of Lustria. Thorpe, G. 2004. Warhammer: Storm of Chaos (Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd)] []


See also

* Games Workshop
* List of major Warhammer Fantasy characters

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