- Storm of Chaos Online Campaign
The Storm of Chaos was a massive narrative campaign created by
Games Workshop for their Warhammer Fantasy setting, played in thenorthern hemisphere summer of 2004 . Like its predecessor (theEye of Terror Campaign) and its successor (The War of the Ring Online Campaign ), it was extremely popular, and attracted several thousand players.The basic premise was that players of
Warhammer Fantasy Battle ,Mordheim , andWarmaster were invited to register the results of their games at the Storm of ChaosWebsite , where a tactical map of the north of the Empire existed. Upon registering a battle, one army would be counted attacker, the other defender. Depending on which side the results favoured, either the attackers or the defenders would get a little more of the map, and occasionally some side benefits.Campaign background
For several centuries, Archaon quested for the "
Six treasures of Chaos ". According to the myths of Chaos worshippers, the one who manages to gain all of them will bring about the final triumph of Chaos. He finally managed to gain the six treasures in the year 2521 IC. At the same time, the Chaos Warlord Surta Lenk attacked Kislev and pushed through to the Empire, sacking the Ostland capital of Wolfenburg before being crushed by Empire reinforcements.At the same time, "Luthor Huss", a self-styled prophet of
Sigmar , had started to challenge the hierarchy of the church of Sigmar. Huss claimed that the priesthood had become corrupt and decadent, ignoring the teachings of Grand Theogonist Volkmar and abandoning Sigmar's mission.Volkmar the Grim , raised an army and journeyed to Kislev to confront Archaon. They lost, Volkmar was slain, and the war altar of Sigmar was cast down. A new Grand Theogonist, Johann Esmer, was elected, and was the epitome of everything that Luthor Huss and other grassroots clerics despised.Trapped in the Kislevite city of Praag, the Tzarina Katarin asked for aid from her old Dwarven ally
Ungrim Ironfist , the Slayer King of Karak Kadrin, who responded by sending his armies, led by his son Garagrim Ironfist, to their aid.As the horde of Archaon rampaged through Kislev and into the Empire, Emperor
Karl Franz invited envoys from the neighbouring kingdoms, as well as representatives of the High Elves and from the Dwarfs to the "Conclave of Light". Here, he successfully gained the support ofBretonnia , the Dwarfs and the High Elves. Huss had in the meantime found a young man namedValten who bore striking physical resemblance to Sigmar as is described in the legends, except for a birthmark shaped like a twin-tailed comet, the main symbol of the Sigmarite church. Valten was also highly skilled in battle and had a will-power to endure wounds that would kill a normal man. Huss and his following travelled to Altdorf, the capital city of The Empire, where they demanded that Valten be recognised as the reincarnation of Sigmar and so proclaim him Emperor, ignoring the immense civil unrest such a declaration would cause. By now, it was late spring, and Karl Franz, both pragmatic politician and devout Sigmarite, could neither ignore nor accept Huss's demands. In the end, he proclaimed Valten was the "spiritual heir" of Sigmar, recognising that he was blessed to some degree, but wisely retained rulership for himself.In the summer of the year IC (Imperial Calendar) 2522 Archaon attacked The Empire with the specific goal of desecrating the city of
Middenheim , a holy site to the followers ofUlric , a warrior god who is second in popularity only to Sigmar.Army lists introduced during the campaign
The following alternative army lists and special characters were introduced for the Storm of Chaos campaign. The rules governing them were published in the Storm of Chaos campaign book.
* Archaon's Horde - A variant of theHordes of Chaos army list that shifts the focus towards more powerful units, this is supposed to reflect the regiments that Archaon brought with him on his crusade againstMiddenland
* The Daemonic Legions - An army list that make it possible to make an entire army by only using daemons.
* The Army ofMiddenland - This variant Empire army list focus on the state troops of the province ofMiddenland .
* Grimgor's 'Ardboyz - A variant of the Orcs andGoblins army list that only includesOrcs . It is meant to represent the personal retinue of the Orc WarlordGrimgor Ironhide .
* The Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin - A variant of the Dwarf army list, this is the most criticized of the variant army lists (see below). The entire Slayer army consists of "Slayers" - dishonoured dwarves who seek redemption by glorious death in combat.
* The Cult ofSlaanesh - A variant of the Dark Elves army list, this represents an underground chaos cult of the godSlaanesh who is led byMorathi , the mother ofMalekith , and who tries to seize power by exploring for magical artifacts inLustria
* The Army of Sylvania - This is meant as a replacement for theVampire Counts army lists when using vampires of theVon Carstein Bloodline.
* Errantry War - A variant of theBretonnia army list, which differs from the main army list in its focus on young, enthusiastic knights who want to prove their valour.
* Skaven Clan Eshin - This army list variant represents the "special forces" of theSkaven under-empire.
* High Elf Sea Patrol(also called Lothern Sea Guard) - A variant of High Elves, this represents the ship companies of the High Elven fleet. They are subservient to the Elven LordAislinn .Characters active during the campaign
Archaon - The Everchosen, the Lord of the End Times, and leader of the Swords of Chaos warband.
*Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir, High priest ofUlric
*Be'lakor , The Dark Master, a demonic power that had been punished by the chaos gods for thinking he was their equal. Be'lakor was finally released from his prison to perform the Dark Coronation.
*Borgut Facebeater -Grimgor Ironhide 's second in command.
*Boris Todbringer , Count ofMiddenland .
* Deathmaster Sniktch - the most skillful Skaven assassin in the world. Thought to have been Valten's assassin.
*Crom the Conqueror – Second in command to Archaon. Defeated Orc Warlord Grimgor Ironhide in single combat, leading to the Orc’s shaming. At the end of the campaign, he is presumed to have died leading an army of Kurgan through Sylvania, Mannfred Von Carstein’s homeland.
*Emperor Karl Franz - or more properly: 'His most Imperial Highness, Emperor Karl-Franz Holswig-Schliestein, Grand Prince of Altdorf, Count of the Reikland, Protector of the Empire'.
* Feytor the Tainted - One of Archaon's four lieutenants. A Chaos Lord devoted toNurgle . Feytor did not have his own rules.
*Garagrim Ironfist - The son ofUngrim Ironfist , Garagrim had devised a plan to rid his family line of its dishonour. By dying in combat as his father's champion, Garagrim believed he would prove the worthiness of the bloodline. He was killed when a chaos giant fell on him as it died, thus fulfilling his slayer vow.
*Grimgor Ironhide - The greatest living Orc warlord suffered defeat at the hands ofCrom the Conqueror a couple of months beforeArchaon 's horde attacked the Empire. Shamed and now in a risky position, Grimgor kept control by claiming that the Orc god Gork had given him a religious vision. Guided by this vision he ordered the of all thegoblins in his army. He later managed to defeat Archaon in single combat combat. Thus satisfied, the Orc quit the field.
* Haargroth the Blooded One - Haargroth was a peasant boy who proved his mettle in combat, and became a Chaos Lord devoted toKhorne and one of Archaon's four lieutenants. He was slain by Ar-Ulric Valgeir. He did not have his own rules.
*Johan Esmer - The then Grand Theogonist ofSigmar , did not have a special character and did not get much attention throughout the campaign, but was central in its opening phases.
*Kordel Shorgaar - One of Archaon's lieutenants and the standard bearer of the Swords of Chaos.
* Mannfred von Carstein - The ruler of Sylvania and a powerful vampire lord.
* Melekh the Changer - One of Archaon's four lieutenants and a Chaos Lord character devoted toTzeentch . He was executed by Archaon. Did not have his own rules.
*Morathi - Hag Queen of the Witch Elves. Morathi once more swore loyalty to Slaanesh and led the Dark Elf, Cult of Slaanesh in an invasion ofLustria .
*Luthor Huss - The self-styled "prophet of Sigmar" who spoke up against corruption and complacency among the priesthood.
* Styrkaar - A Norse prince and one of Archaon's four lieutenants. A Chaos Lord devoted toSlaanesh . Did not have his own rules.
*Teclis - The Elven High Mage. Teclis has always been worried about the place of mankind in the struggle between chaos and the world, and was therefore eager to once again help them in battle. It was Teclis who presentedValten with the magical steed Althandir, and banished Be'lakor's daemonic legion.
*Valten , exalted of Sigmar - existed before the campaign, but was given his final form in the campaign book. Valten was the young man who Luthor Huss claimed was thereincarnation ofSigmar . He clashed with Archaon but there was no clear winner until Grimgor's arrival. He was later assassinated by theSkaven assassin, Deathmaster Snikch. ["Children of the Horned Rat".]
* Vardek Crom, Herald ofArchaon -Archaon 's second in command. During the Storm of Chaos, Vardek Crom was supposed to maneuvre his troops so that they could attack the Empire from the east.
*Volkmar the Grim - The resurrected former grand theogonist of Sigmar. (Since reinstated.)
*Ungrim Ironfist - The "Slayer King", or more properly, The dwarven king of Karak Kadrin.
* Sea Lord Aislinn - Did not have his own rules. Players were asked to use an Elven High Lord and ignore the 'Intrigue at court' rule.Aftermath of the campaign
According to Games Workshop, the Storm of Chaos affected the whole world. Still, at the end of the campaign, the world seems to have regained its "Status quo ante". Gav Thorpe, the games designer who wrote the campaign, has stated that this was intentional and that the consequences of the Storm of Chaos will be up to the individual players.Fact|date=June 2007
*Thorpe, Gav. 2004. Warhammer: Storm of Chaos. Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd. ISBN 1-84154-460-4
*Kelly, Phil. 2004. Warhammer: Darkness Rising. Nottingham: Games Workshop Ltd. ISBNExternal links
* [http://uk.games-workshop.com/vampirecounts/sylvanian-armylist/1/ Army List for Sylvanian Vampire Counts]
* [http://uk.games-workshop.com/hordesofchaos/defeating-archaon/5/ Tactical article suggesting how to fight Archaon's Horde]
* [http://uk.games-workshop.com/empire/middenland/1/ Army of Middenland Army list]
* [http://uk.games-workshop.com/darkelves/cultofslaanesh/1/ Armylist for the Dark Elves' Cult of Slaanesh]
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