

Gluma Desensitizer is the most widely used product in the United States for the treatment of dental sensitivity. Its formula of 5% glutaraldehyde and 35% HEMA (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) in water is used to help control both hypersensitive dentin and reduce the incidence of post-operative sensitivity in restorative dentistry procedures.

It’s also useful as a cavity disinfectant, a rewetting agent and an adhesion promoter (when combined with most dentin bonding systems).

The Gluma formula is under patent protection. Therefore, no other desensitizing agents on the market can have the same formula or work exactly like it.

Gluma is manufactured and produced by the Heraeus Kulzer, a German dental supply company.


External links

* [ Heraeus Kulzer]
* [ Heraeus Kulzer South America]
* [ Gluma Desensitizer]

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