

The world "solarium" has various meanings connected to the Sun:

* A Terrace (building) or flat housetop
* The "Solarium Augusti", the largest sundial ever made, erected in Rome by Emperor Augustus
* Sunroom, a room built largely of glass to afford exposure to the sun
* Tanning bed or tanning booth, non-medical devices that emit ultraviolet light for the purpose of creating a cosmetic tanning of the skin
* Solarium (constellation), a former constellation
* "Solarium (gastropod)", a genus of gastropod

The word "solarium" (plural "solariums" or "solaria") is Latin and derives from the Latin word "sol", meaning "sun".

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  • solarium — [ sɔlarjɔm ] n. m. • 1765; mot lat. « lieu exposé au soleil » 1 ♦ Antiq. rom. Terrasse surmontant certaines maisons. Des solariums. 2 ♦ (1909) Établissement où l on pratique l héliothérapie. 3 ♦ (1941) Lieu abrité où l on prend des bains de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • solárium — (Del lat. solarium). m. En piscinas, gimnasios, balnearios, etc., terraza o lugar reservado para tomar el sol …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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