- William Baumol
William Jack Baumol (born
February 26 1922 ) is aNew York University economics professor (although he is also affiliated withPrinceton University ) who has written extensively aboutlabor market and other economic factors that affect the economy. He also made valuable contributions to thehistory of economic thought . He is among the [http://ideas.repec.org/top/top.person.all.html 500 best economists] in the world according to IDEAS/RePEc.Among his better-known contributions are the theory of
contestable market s, theBaumol-Tobin model oftransactions demand for money,Baumol's cost disease , which discusses the rising costs associated with service industries, and Pigou taxes. [Baumol, W.J. (1972), ‘On Taxation and the Control of Externalities’, American Economic Review, 62 (3), 307-322.]The 2006 Annual Meetings of the
American Economic Association held a special session in his name, and honoring his many years of work, where 12 papers onentrepreneurship were presented. http://www.aeaweb.org/annual_mtg_papers/2006papers.htmlThe British magazine,
The Economist published an article about William Baumol and his lifelong work to develop a place in economic theory for theentrepreneur (March 11, 2006, pp 68), much of which owes its genesis to Joseph Schumpeter. They note that traditionalmicroeconomic theory holds a place for 'prices' and 'firms' but not for that (seemingly) important engine of innovation, the entrepreneur. Baumol is given credit for helping to remedy this shortcoming: "Thanks to Mr. Baumol's own painstaking efforts, economists now have a bit more room for entrepreneurs in their theories."Baumol is a trustee of the Economists for Peace and Security.
Major publications
*"Community Indifference", 1946, "RES"
*"A Community Indifference
*"A Formalization of Mr. Harrod's Model", 1949, "EJ".
*"The Analogy between Producer and Consumer Equilibrium Analysis", with Helen Makower, 1950, "Economica".
*"Economic Dynamics", with R. Turvey, 1951.
*"The Transaction Demand for Cash: An inventory-theoretic approach", 1952, "QJE".
*"The Classical Monetary Theory: The outcome of the discussion", with G.S. Becker, 1952, "Economica".
*"Welfare Economics and the Theory of the State", 1952.
*"Firms with Limited Money Capital", 1953, "Kyklos".
*"Economic Processes and Policies", with L.V. Chandler, 1954.
*"More on the Multiplier Effect of a Balanced Budget", with M.H. Preston, 1955, "AER".
*"Acceleration without Magnification", 1956, "AER".
*"Variety in Retailing", with E.A. Ide, 1956 "Management Science".
*"Speculation, Profitability and Stability", 1957, "REStat".
*"Activity Analysis in One Lesson", 1958, "AER".
*"On the Theory of Oligopoly", 1958, "Economica".
*"Topology of Second Order Linear Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients", 1958, "Econometrica".
*"The Cardinal Utility which is Ordinal", 1958, "EJ".
*"Business Behavior, Value and Growth", 1959.
*"Integer Programming and Pricing", with R.E. Gomory, 1960, "Econometrica".
*"Economic Theory and Operations Analysis", 1961.
*"What Can Economic Theory Contribute to Managerial Economics?", 1961, "AER".
*"Pitfalls in Contracyclical Policies: Some tools and results", 1961, "REStat".
*"The Theory of Expansion of the Firm", 1962, "AER".
*"Stocks, Flows and Monetary Theory", 1962, "QJE".
*"An Expected Gain-Confidence Limit Criterion for Portfolio Selection", 1963, "Management Science".
*"Rules of Thumb and Optimally Imperfect Decisions", with R. E. Quandt, 1964, American Economic Review, 54, p. 23-46
*"Decomposition, Pricing for Decentralization and External Economics", with T.Fabian, 1964, "Management Science".
*"On the Performing Arts: the anatomy of their economic problems", with W.G. Bowen, 1965, "AER".
*"Investment and Discount Rates Under Capital Rationing", with R.E.Quandt, 1965, "EJ".
*"Informed Judgement, Rigorous Theory and Public Policy", 1965, "Southern EJ".
*"The Stock Market and Economic Efficiency", 1965.
*"Performing Arts: the economic dilemma", 1966.
*"The Ricardo Effect in Point-Input, Point-Output Case", 1966, "Essays in Mathematical Economics in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern".
*"Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth: The anatomy of urban crisis", 1967, "AER".
*"Calculation of Optimal Product and Retailer Characteristics", 1967, "JPE".
*"The Firm's Optimal Debt-Equity Combination and the Cost of Capital", with B.G. Malkiel, 1967, "QJE".
*"Error Produced by Linearization in Mathematical Programming", with R. Bushnell, 1967, "Econometrica".
*"The Dual of Nonlinear Programming and its Economic Interpretation", with M.L.Balinski, 1968, "RES".
*"Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory", 1968, May, "American Economic Review"
*"On the Social Rate of Discount", 1968, "AER".
*"On the Discount Rate for Public Projects", 1969, "Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures".
*"Input Choices and Rate-of-Return Regulation: An overview of the discussion", with A.K.Klevorick, 1970, "Bell JE".
*"Optimal Departures from Marginal Cost Pricing", with D.F. Bradford, 1970, "AER".
*"The Economics of Athenian Drama", 1971, "QJE".
*"Environmental protection, International Spillovers and Trade", 1971.
*"On the Economics of the Theatre in Renaissance London" with Mary Oates, 1972, "Swedish JE".
*"The Dynamics of Urban Problems and its Policy Implications", 1972, in Preston and Corry, editors, "Essays in Honor of Lord Robbins".
*"Taxation and the Control of Externalities", 1972, "AER".
*"Detrimental Externalities and Non-Convexity of the Production Set", with D.F. Bradford, 1972, "Economica".
*"The Transformation of Values: What Marx 'Really' Meant", 1974, "JEL".
*"The Theory of Environmental Policy", with W.E.Oates, 1975.
*"Economics, Environmental Policy and Quality of Life", with W.E.Oates and S.A. Batey Blackman 1979.
*"Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure", with J.C. Panzar and R.D. Wilig, 1982
*"Microtheory: Applications and origins", 1986
*"Superfairness: Application and theory", with D. Fischer, 1986
*"The Optimal Cash Balance Proposition: Maurice Allais' Priority", with J. Tobin, 1989, "JEL"
*"Productivity and American Leadership: The long view", with S.A. Batey Blackman and E.N. Wolff, 1989.
*"Perfect Markets and Easy Virtue: Business ethics and the invisible hand", with S.A. Batey Blackman, 1992
*"Entrepreneurship, Management and the Structure of Profit", 1993.
*"The Free Market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism", 2002.
*"Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity," co-authored with Robert Litan and Carl J. Schramm, 2007Positions and Awards
*William Baumol was President of the
American Economic Association for 1981.
*1953 Fellow, Econometric Society
*1957-58 Guggenheim Fellow
*1960-70 Trustee, Rider College
*1965 Honorary LL.D, Rider College (Trustee Emeritus)
*1965-66 Ford Faculty Fellowship
*1970 Honorary Fellow,London School of Economics
*1971 Honorary Doctorate, Stockholm School of Economics
*1973 Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Knox College
*1973 Honorary Doctorate, University of Basel
*1975 John R. Commons Award, Omicron Delta Epsilon
*1975 Townsend Harris Medal, Alumni Association of the City College of New York
*1982 Distinguished Fellow, American Economic Association
*1984 Distinguished Member, Economic Association of Puerto Rico
*1986 Winner, Assoc. of American Publishers Award for Best Book in Business, Management and Economics, "Superfairness: Applications and Theory"
*1987 Recipient, Frank E. Seidman Distinguished Award in Political Economy
*1988 Joseph Douglas Green 1895 Professor of Economics, Princeton University
*1989 Winner, Assoc. of Am. Publishers Annual Awards for Excellence in Publishing, Honorable Mention in Social Sciences, "Productivity and American Leadership: The Long View"
*1992 Recipient, First Senior Scholar in the Arts and Sciences Award, New York University
*1996 Honorary Degree, University of Limburg, Maastricht, Holland
*1996 Honorary Professorship, University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaExternal links
* [http://www.econ.nyu.edu/dept/vitae/baumol.htm Baumol home page]
* [http://ideas.repec.org/e/pba92.html IDEAS/RePEc]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.