- Canton of Ribérac
The Canton of Ribérac is a canton of the
Dordogne "département", inFrance . its postcodes 24600. The lowest point is 43 m at the commune ofPetit-Bersac , the highest point is atSaint-Sulpice-de-Roumagnac at 209 m, the average or the centre is 109 m. The leastly populated commune isChassaignes with 90 and the most populated commune isRibérac with 4,000. The second mostly populated commune isVilletoureix with 762, five times more than the canton's chief town.Communes of Ribérac
The canton of Ribérac contains 13 communes and has 6,153 inhabitants.
The population grew until the 1968 census and dropped until 1975, the population grew slowly since the 1980s and the 1982 census.
The canton of Saint-Cyprien has schools, lyceum or middle schools, gymnasia, churches, banks, parks and squares.
External links
* [http://www.recensement.insee.fr/RP99/rp99/co_navigation.co_page?nivgeo=P&theme=ALL&typeprod=ALL&codgeo=2428&quelcas=LISTE&lang=FR The canton of Ribérac on the INSEE site]
* [http://www.lion1906.com/Pages/ResultatLocalisation.php?InseeVille=240028 Location of the canton of Ribérac on the map of France]See also
*Arrondissements of the Dordogne department
*Cantons of the Dordogne department
*Communes of the Dordogne department
*List of general councillors of the Dordogne department
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