Rock & Roll Library

Rock & Roll Library

The Rock & Roll Library (RRL) is an online library actively building the world's largest music information archive while also promoting the use of popular music in education. The RRL was founded in Allston, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, United States in 1999 by Anne Fitzpatrick. The organization's official website debuted that same year. is the official website of the Rock & Roll Library and home to the RRL Music Archive, RRL Education programs and a growing music community. The website offers free resources to visitors including This Day in Music History facts, Music Trivia and a searchable database of music history.

The RRL Music Archive is a comprehensive database for music information that catalogues artists, discographies, photos, events, charitable work and educational lesson plans.

Educational programs

Song lesson contest

The marquee education program of the RRL is the Song Lesson Contest. The Rock & Roll Library established the Song Lesson Contest (SLC) to address specific issues relevant to today's global community, promote education through popular music and generate original lesson plans based on music. The lesson plans received through the contest are made available to educators worldwide for free download at

The First Song Lesson Contest featured multiple Grammy and Oscar award winner Melissa Etheridge and culminated with an in school visit from the RRL and Melissa Etheridge to Thomas O. Hopkins Middle School in Burlington, New Jersey, United States.

The Second Song Lesson Contest featured platimum selling singer/songwriter Gavin DeGraw and culminated with an in school visit and concert at Acton/Boxborough Regional High School in Acton, Massachusetts, United States.

Imagine mural project

The Imagine Mural Project was the first Public Arts Initiative launched by the Rock & Roll Library. The RRL commissioned then Smithsonian Research Scholar Dr. Jon Lohman to create a lesson plan based on John Lennon's song "Imagine". The result was a versatile lesson plan which asks students of all ages to write a poem with each line simply starting with the word "Imagine". After students complete their own poem they are asked to contribute one line of their poem to a class poem. When the class poem is completed the students then depict their imaginings and integrate all the images into an "Imagine Mural".

Open Lesson Contest

The first Lesson Plan Contest was held by the Rock & Roll Library during the 1999-2000 school year and challenged teachers to create original lesson plans that integrated a popular song into any subject and topic. A cash prize was awarded to the top three lessons ($500, $250, $100) and five Honorable Mentions were also awarded. The lessons are available for free download on the website.

External links

* []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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