- Law enforcement in Åland
Law enforcement in the
Åland Islands is the responsibility of the Police Authority of the Åland Islands, a unit independent of the mainland Finnish police (as per the "Act on the Autonomy of Aaland, 1991" [ [http://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/1991/en19911144.pdf "Act on the Autonomy of Åland"] retrievedMay 29 2007 ] ), which answers to the Åland unit of theNational Bureau of Investigation, part of theGovernment of Åland (the Landskapsregering). [ [http://www.poliisi.fi/poliisi/home.nsf/ExternalFiles/THE%20FINNISH%20POLICE%20KORJ/$file/THE%20FINNISH%20POLICE%20KORJ.pdf "The Finnish Police"] document from the [http://www.poliisi.fi/poliisi/home.nsf/pages/index_eng Finnish Police site] retrievedMay 29 2007 ] [CEPOL Finnish Police [http://www.cepol.net/KIM/Pagina.ASP?WCI=Pagina&WCE=17964&PREVIEWID= breakdown] retrievedMay 29 2007 ]The police officers do, however, wear the same
uniform as on the mainland, and the police cars have the same paint scheme. The police officers also receive their training in the same police academy as the police in mainland Finland.The Police Authority of the Åland Islands is responsible for the security of a population of 26,000 over the 13,517km² and 16 municipalities of this Finnish province, and is headquartered in the capital of
Mariehamn .Notes
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