Run support

Run support

Run support is a baseball statistic used to assess a starting pitcher's good fortune. It measures how many runs were scored by his team on average when he starts. It is considered a somewhat important statistic because a team (and its pitcher) earn wins by holding its opponents to fewer runs than it scores. Since a pitcher's skill is a large factor in how many runs the opponent scores and a small factor in how many runs his team scores this is a measure of whether the pitcher happened to pitch on days when his team scored a lot. There are two different measures of run support. These statistics may be adjusted for park and league factors.cite web|url=,c,821,34,0|title=Run Support Index|publisher=Society For American Baseball Research|date=2004-07-06]

# The number of runs scored per nine innings of opponent batting during the pitchers starts. [cite web|url=|title=SUP|publisher=Farlex, Inc.|work=TheFreeDictionary|date=2007]
# The number of runs per start.


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