Shurara Corps

Shurara Corps

The Shurara Corps (シュララ軍団 Shurara Gundan?) is a fictional platoon from the magazine Keroro Land and the anime and manga series Sgt. Frog. Its leader is Shurara.



The Shurara Corps is a platoon of villainious Keronians. Their mission is to study the Keroro Platoon to judge when the time is right to destroy them, and steal the Keron star from Keroro. The Shurara Corps consists of the leader Shurara and nine subordinate members: Putata, Mekeke, Giruru, Dokuku, Kagege, Nuii, Gyororo, Robobo, and Yukiki.


Shurara (シュララ Shurara?) is voiced by Norio Wakamoto. Shirara is voiced by Hōko Kuwashima


Shurara is the leader of the Shurara Corps.


As Shurara: Shurara is Keronian around Keroro's age. Unlike most Keronians, he has two body colors. The right side of his body is purple and the left is green. There is a point at the tip of his tadpole tail. His symbol is a blue circle with squares on the sides and a row of three small black rectangles pointing upwards. He wears a helmet with the right side of it being silver and the left being gold. His right eye is black with a blue pupil and his left is red with curved points on the side and a yellow pupil. The stripes covering his right eye have three upward lines and his left being a cross. His left arm is equipped with a spear and his right arm has a shield. His helmet has blades on the sides and horns on top. It is shown that the helmet is actually a planet eater, expanding to huge sizes and eventually absorbing Shurara. The helmet can fight on its own, with long tentacle whips and laser beams.

As Shirara: In Episode 203, Shurara was unmasked as one of Keroro's classmates. Keroro is also the reason for the grudge he bears against the Keroro Platoon. As a child, Shurara was known as Shirara, and possessed the same two body colors as Shurara. However, unlike other Keronians, Shirara does not wear a cap, instead, having two extrusions on either side of his head. Shirara's true symbol is a star similar to Keroro's, but each point has been blunted. His right eye is blue and the left is yellow. His voice and speaking style is also different from Shurara's. Shirara also has a huge crush on Pururu.


Putata (プタタ Putata?) is voiced by Kentarō Tone.


Putata is a member of the Shurara Corps and uses the title of Master Painter Putata (プタタ画伯 Putata Gahaku?). He is introduced as the "enigmatic graffiti Keronian."


Putata is a naturally yellow Keronian. His symbol is a blue circle with points on the sides, upwards, and downwards and a dot at the center. He has colored spots on various body parts. The red spots being his right eye and left leg. The green spots being his left cheek (in the shape of his symbol), right arm, and left thigh. He has a silver helmet with blue-tipped bolts on top of it.


Putata is often excited. His actions and movements are off due to his silliness. He is rarely serious. He is very active, which promotes his agility.


Putata carries much agility. He can paint very quickly. Combining both, he can create many flawless paintings in a short amount of time.


Despite his abnormal paint brush, he has a limited amount of usable ink. His creations can be easily destroyed. All weaknesses of his creation still apply. When resorting to transforming his paint brush, the form's weakness results in the brush's destruction.


Putata's paint brush enables him to bring his paintings to life by simply snapping his fingers. He can also stamp objects with blank stamps and print their images that can be brought to life. His last resort is the ability to transform his brush into a Nyororo. He uses the moisture of other Keronians to power his brush.

Speech mannerisms

Much like Keroro, Putata often chuckles his resonance. He often ends his sentences with "Yeah yeah yeah" or "Yo yo yo". He also rhymes when he talks.

Additional Information

Putata's first anime appearance is episode 161 along with Mekeke.


Mekeke (メケケ Mekeke?) is voiced by Chō.


Mekeke is a member of the Shurara Corps as well as Putata's lesser partner. He is introduced as the "enigmatic puppet-using Keronian" and is also referred to as "Super Marionette Mekeke."


Mekeke is a teal Keronian with gold eyes. But when he made his first appearance, he was invisible. When exposed to paint, Mekeke appeared to wear a crossed eyepatch, a large, sleevless shirt, and floppy ears. His symbol is a blue circle with a medical cross. His puppet has large, blonde side burns, the crossed eyepatch, eye cross, four arms equipped with blades, and a puppeteer cross.


Mekeke has amazing stealth and ability. His puppet mastery proves very valuable to his manipulative skills.


Mekeke wields very sensitive, easily broken puppet strings. When fully exposed to non-solid substances, his invisibility will be cancelled out.


Mekeke's puppet wields a series of blades. He is apparently in a state of perceptual invisibility. He can manipulate anyone who is exposed to his puppet strings. His puppet uses its puppeteer cross to levitate. This is a parody of Kankuro and Sasori's Crow from Naruto.

Additional Information

Mekeke's first anime appearance is episode 161.


Giruru (ギルル?) is voiced by Kunihiko Yasui.

Physical Appearance

Giruru is a mutant Keronian of pure blue slime. Two drops of slime of alternate sizes lay on each of his helmet ears. He commonly creates a large puddle of slime beneath his feet. He has large yellow eyes that lack pupils. His symbol is a small yellow drop. His weakness is powder, especially oil hardener, since he solidifies on contact. After Giroro successfully defeats him, he is sealed into a container and placed into a vault.


Giruru is made of liquid, so he can manipulate the shape of his body. He also has the ability to turn others into puddles, like in episode 169, when he liquefied Giroro.


Giruru gets solidified on contact with oil hardener. Also, he can't do anything while in a jar (which the Keroro Platoon did to imprison him).


Giruru is the older brother of Dokuku, as revealed in episode 177, where Dokuku freed him.

Additional Information

It is of note that, in the anime, Giruru's name was changed from "Geruru" in the Keroro Land magazine. Geruru comes from the Japanese pronunciation of the English word, gel.

Giruru's first anime appearance is episode 169


Dokuku (ドクク?) is voiced by Takeshi Kusao, who also voices Dororo.


Dokuku is a member of the Shurara Corps. He was turned into gas-form in an experiment. He appears in Hinata house in episode 177 and is first mistaken for a ghost. It appears that his primary objective was to free Giruru from the Keroro Platoon.

Physical appearance

Dokuku is a white gas-form Keronian. He lacks legs, which is replaced with a scarlet tipped ghost-like tail. His left eye is scarred and his right is blue and lacks pupils. He has fire red side burns. His symbol is a large white drop with a demonic outlook. His left hand is replaced with a scythe blade. He is followed by a levitating red flame.


Being gas-form, Dokuku can freely levitate and phase through cracks and holes. He can use his scythe hand as a weapon as well the fire ball. He can also possess people by entering them through their rear, it seems to be an action he quite enjoys.


Dokuku is Giruru's younger brother.

Additional Information

Dokuku's anime appearance is episode 177


Kagege (カゲゲ?) is Voiced by Toshio Furukawa


Kagege is the assassin of the Shurara Corps.

Physical Appearance

Kagege is white Keronian with blue and purple flames. He is an old tadpole. He wears a dark blue scarf. His left and only eye has a blue cross, and is known to glow continuously, leading to his eventual defeat in the darkness by the Keroro Platoon. His shadow is in the form of large blue flames with his missing right blue eye with a white cross. His symbol is a blue downward point with two curved spikes on the left side.


Kagege has the ability to control the shadows of his victims, putting their shadows against them, as seen in episode 202. The shadows have the same strengths and weaknesses as their owners. The shadow replicas can be destroyed by destroying the light source given to cast them in the first place.

Additional Information

Kagege's name is derived from the Japanese word for 'shadow', "kage" (?).


Nuii (ヌイイ?) is voiced by Kurumi Mamiya.


Originally an abandoned Keronian doll, Nuii was brought to life by Shurara and was made a member of the Shurara Corps with the title of Little Tailor Nuii (お針子のヌイイ Ohariko no Nuii?). Later, it comes to Earth, and assumes the identity and appearance of Ku-chan, Natsumi's old abandoned teddy bear. After it is found by Natsumi, it is taken into the Hinata Household, where she loves and treats Nuii like a regular doll. Under the instruction of her superior, Gyororo, Nuii starts turning the Keroro Platoon and Fuyuki into dolls. When Gyororo urges Nuii to turn Natsumi into a doll however, the memories of the time it and Natsumi had spent together makes it hesitate, and turn on Gyororo. While suffering tears in the fabric that makes up its body, Nuii is able to hold Gyororo still long enough for Keroro the capture it in a bubble. After the ordeal, Nuii turns everyone back to normal, and flies back to Planet Keron in search of its former owner, carrying with it the memories it and Natsumi shared.

Physical Appearance

Nuii is an orange doll that resembles a tadpole (which makes sense, since he is a toy for tadpoles). Its pupils are large buttons and it has rosy cheeks. Its symbol is a yellow button with a cross at the center that lay on his forehead, stomach, shoulders, and hat flaps. It has stitches on the side of his legs, arms (under symbol), and hat flaps (under symbol).


Nuii can turn an enemy into a doll with needles shot out of its arm. Its can also change its appearance to look like another similar doll, and hover a few inches off the ground.


Like all dolls, too much fatigue can tear Nuii apart.


In the Anakoro Keroro Gunso Card Game, Nuii is one of the several Keronians who join Keroro's alliance.

Additional Information

Nuii's name derives from the Japanese word "Nui", which means sewing and is the beginning of the word "nuigurumi," Japanese for stuffed animal.

Nuii's anime appearance is episode 188.



Gyororo (ギョロロ?) is voiced by Hiromi Hirata.


Gyororo is a member of the Shurara Corps. His mission is to spy on the Keroro Platoon, and report his findings to Shurara. Nuii, once his comrade, infiltrated the house under the identity of Natsumi's old doll, Ku-chan. Gyororo ordered Nuii to turn the Keroro Platoon and Fuyuki into dolls. However, when ordered to attack Natsumi, Nuii disobeyed, and restrained Gyororo long enough for Keroro to trap him inside a bubble. He became a prisoner of war of the Keroro Platoon.[1]


Gyororo is a purple-blue and green tadpole Keronian with multiple eyes covering his body, hat, and the tip of his long prehensile tail. He has a crazed smile full of sharp teeth, and his irises are red.


Gyororo can merge and blend in with his surroundings, making him a perfect spy. He can also shoot lasers from his eyes.

Additional Information

Gyororo appears in the same episode as Nuii (188) however he is seen spying in an early episode.


Robobo is voiced by Keiichi Sonobe


Robobo is a member of Shurara Corps. He was programmed to steal the Keron star from Keroro but got destroyed by Dororo before he could accomplish his mission.

Physical appearance

Robobo is a robot, built out mechanical parts protected by a Keronian-shaped covering of grey metal. He has square-shaped glass eyes. His symbol is a white circle with a smaller black circle inside it. He wears a skull cap with headphones. His hands and feet resemble magnets. His larger form has two drills instead of magnets for hands.


Robobo has the power to fuse an entire city population with a nearby mechanical object. His hands can be used as magnets. His eyes can process information and locate people. He has built-in weapons and can summon a giant robot of himself. Robobo also can fly using his built-in jets.


Yukiki (ユキキ?) is voiced by Eiji Maruyama.


Yukiki is a member of Shurara Corps. He is introduced as "Yukiki of the Mount Daisetsu wind."

Physical Appearance

Yukiki is an adult snowman Keronian. He has squinted, blue pupils and a carrot for a nose. The symbol on his light blue stomach is a silhouette of a two-tiered snowman with eyes. This symbol also appears on his hat which consists of a red bucket with a blue scarf under it to make ear flaps. His arms are orange and he wears red mittens. His legs are two stacked snowballs and he wears orange shoes and a red ball, resembling a tail.


Yukiki has the unique ability to disguise himself as a snowman by pulling in his arms and legs. He can form himself from a swirling Arctic wind, creating a block of ice from which he materializes himself. He can freeze items such as Giroro's guns, making them useless.


Being made from snow, Yukiki will melt under extreme heat. Kururu defeats him with a heat gun, leaving Yukiki as nothing but a puddle with his gloves and bucket hat laying next to it.

Additional Information

Yukiki's name comes from the Japanese word for snow, yuki. Mount Daisetsu (Daisetsuzan 大雪山?) literally translates to great snowy mountain.


  1. ^ Sgt. Frog Episode 188

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