

Infobox Indian Jurisdiction
native_name = Parigi
type = village
locator_position = right
latd =
longd =
altitude =
population_total =
population_as_of =
state_name = Andhra Pradesh
district = Anantapur
taluk_names = Parigi
area_telephone =
postal_code =
autocat = no
footnotes =

Parigi is a village and a mandal in Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. [cite web
title=List of Sub-Districts
publisher=Census of India


Parigi is a Mandal in Andhra Pradesh and is the headquarters for a few villages around it. It is around 5 Kilometeres from Hindupur and 35 kilometers from Lepakshi. It is on the border of Karnataka and it is a good 40 minutes drive to Pavagada Taluk (Known for the Shaneshwara Temple) in Tumukur District of Karnataka.

This village has an irrigation tank which serves as the water source for all the farmers.

The village has 2 temples within the village (Sri Venkateshwara Temple and Sri.Anjaneya Swamy Temple)and one outside the village which is Pannadamma.


The following is the list of village panchayats in Parigi mandal.


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