Leucostoma kunzei

Leucostoma kunzei

name = "Leucostoma kunzei"
regnum = Fungi
phylum = Ascomycota
classis = Sordariomycetes
subclassis = Sordariomycetidae
ordo = Diaporthales
familia = Valsaceae
genus = "Leucostoma"
species = "L. kunzei"
binomial = "Leucostoma kunzei"
binomial_authority = (Fr.) Munk ex H. Kern, (1955)
synonyms = "Leucostoma kunzei" (Fr.) Munk, (1953)
"Sphaeria kunzei" Fr., (1823)
"Valsa kunzei" (Fr.) Fr., (1846)

Leucostoma kunzei is a plant pathogen that causes Cytospora Canker of Spruce trees particulary Norway Spruce and Colorado Spruce. Disease symptoms are the browning of needles and death tree branches and on occasion the entire tree.

External links

* [http://www.speciesfungorum.org/Names/Names.asp Index Fungorum]
* [http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases USDA ARS Fungal Database]


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