International Front of the Working People of Latvia

International Front of the Working People of Latvia

The International Front of the Working People of the Latvian SSR or Interfront (Lang-lv|Latvijas PSR Internacionālā Darbaļaužu fronte, Interfronte, Lang-ru|Интернациональный фронт трудящихся Латвийской ССР, Интерфронт) was a pro-Soviet socialist organization in the Latvian SSR that during the years 19891991 supported Latvia's remaining part of the USSR.

It was founded in January 1989 as a reaction to the creation of the pro-independence Popular Front of Latvia.

The Interfront central leadership published a newspaper "Edinstvo" ( _ru. "Единство", 'Unity'). Local sections of the organisation, for example in Liepāja, published their own information bulletins. Interfront also made radio broadcasts.

Among the leaders of Interfront were Igor Lopatin, Anatoly Alekseyev, and Tatjana Ždanoka.

Interfront was particularly active during the January 1991 events in Latvia, during which several civilians and law enforcement officers were killed in clashes with OMON units loyal to the central government in Moscow.

In September 1991, following the restoration of Latvia's independence from the USSR, the Supreme Council (transitional parliament) passed a decree proscribing the Interfront, along with the Communist Party of Latvia and some other oppositional organizations.

As a result of this ban, those known to have been members in Interfront after 13 January 1991 have faced restrictions on naturalization as citizens. Former Interfront activists who hold citizenship of Latvia have been barred from standing as candidates for election to the Saeima (parliament) or municipal councils.

See also

*Intermovement, an organization in Estonia with similar goals, sometimes also called Interfront
*Līdztiesība, a parliamentary faction allied with the Interfront in 1990

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