Caveman — ist: das englische Wort für Höhlenmensch der Titel einer US Filmkomödie von 1981, siehe Caveman – Der aus der Höhle kam der deutsche Titel des Broadway Monodramas Defending the Caveman von Rob Becker, siehe Caveman (Schauspiel) der Name eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Caveman — A caveman is a popular stock character based upon stereotyped concepts of the way in which early prehistoric humans or homininans may have looked and behaved. The term is sometimes used colloquially to refer to the Neanderthals or Cro Magnon (i.e … Wikipedia
caveman — UK [ˈkeɪvˌmæn] / US noun [countable] Word forms caveman : singular caveman plural cavemen UK [ˈkeɪvˌmen] / US 1) one of the people who lived thousands of years ago mainly in caves 2) informal a man who behaves in a violent, stupid, or rough way … English dictionary
caveman — noun a) An early human or closely related species, popularly held to reside in caves. The political cartoon showed the politician as a caveman, clubbing the budget depcited as a mammoth. b) A brutish or savage person. The football squad was… … Wiktionary
caveman — cave|man [ˈkeıvmæn] n plural cavemen [ men] 1.) someone who lived in a ↑cave many thousands of years ago 2.) informal an insulting word for a man who you think is rude, violent etc ▪ Are you going to give me the macho caveman act? … Dictionary of contemporary English
caveman — noun (C) 1 someone who lived in a cave 1 many thousands of years ago 2 informal a man who behaves rudely or violently: He used caveman tactics of rough behaviour towards women … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
caveman — (= cavewoman), noun were these the drawings of a caveman? Syn: cave dweller, troglodyte, primitive man/woman, prehistoric man/woman; Neanderthal … Thesaurus of popular words
caveman — n. a strong, virile man. □ He’s sort of a caveman, big and hairy. □ I don’t care for cavemen … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Caveman (Schauspiel) — Caveman ist der deutsche Titel des Broadway Monodramas Defending the Caveman von Rob Becker. Das Stück handelt von den Missverständnissen zwischen Männern und Frauen. Über 8 Millionen Menschen weltweit haben dieses Stück bereits im Theater… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Caveman (group) — Caveman was a British hip hop group originally from High Wycombe consisting of MCM, the Principal, and Diamond J. They were the first British hip hop group to be signed to a major US label, Profile Records, and quickly established themselves as… … Wikipedia