São João Batista

São João Batista

There are parishes that have the name São João Batista (Portuguese for Saint John the Baptist):

In Brazil

*São João Batista, Maranhão
*São João Batista, Santa Catarina
*São João Batista do Glória, Minas Gerais

In Portugal

*São João Baptista, a parish in the district of Beja
*São João Baptista, a parish in the district of Campo Maior
*São João Baptista, a parish in the district of Castelo de Vide
*São João Baptista, a parish in the district of Entroncamento
*São João Baptista, a parish in the district of Moura
*São João Baptista, a parish in the district of Porto de Mós
*São João Baptista, a parish in the district of Tomar


*São João Baptista de Airão, a parish in the district of Guimarães

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