- Per Grazia Ricevuta
Per Grazia Ricevuta, often abbreviated as PGR, is an Italian band led by
Giovanni Lindo Ferretti .The band grew out of the ashes of his previous project
Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti , which disbanded following the departure of long-time collaborator Massimo Zamboni. Their name "'Per Grazia Ricevuta" ("For a Received Grace"), also marks a change. It is a stock phrase usually attached to mementos acknowledging miraculous divine gifts, and reflects Lindo Ferretti's rediscovery of his Catholic roots following a long career of radical left activism.PGR's lineup changed with the release of the album "D’anime e d’animali" (2004), when founding members Ginevra Di Marco and Francesco Magnelli departed. As a response, the band's acronym was slightly changed into PG3R ("Però Gianni Giorgio Giovanni Resistono", meaning "Yet Gianni Giorgio and Giovanni Resist"). In 2006 PGR performed a tour around Italy entitled 'Ripasso / Ribassi - Saldi, fino ad esaurimento scorte’ (Revision / Discounts - Sales while Stock Lasts). They have announced a new album for 2008.
* "Per grazia ricevuta" (For a Received Grace); 2002
* "Montesole 29 giugno 2001" (At Montesole, 29 June 2001); 2003, live
* "D'anime e d'animali" (On Souls and on Animals); 2004
* New album announced for 2008Members
Giovanni Lindo Ferretti
* Giorgio Canali
*Gianni Maroccolo Former members
Ginevra Di Marco
*Francesco Magnelli External links
* [http://www.giannimaroccolo.com/pgr/ Official web site]
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