

Radziwiłł in Polish, ( _lt. Radvila; _de. Radziwill; _be. Радзівіл, Radzivił; _la. Radvil) is a family of high nobility which has been powerful and important for centuries, first in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and later in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Radziwiłł family received the title of "Reichsfürst" (Prince, _be. князь, kniaź _lt. kunigaikštis, _pl. książę) from the Holy Roman Empire.

Coat of arms and motto

Family motto: "The Lord is Our Counsel" (Polish: "Bóg nam radzi", Belarusian: "Бог нам раіць", "Boh nam rajić"),


Recent research suggests that the Radziwill family descended from Lithuanian bajorai-ducal courtiers, lesser nobility, who advanced considerably in the 15th century. They are descendants from old Lithuanian Astikai family, that had possessions near Kernavė. Radziwiłł family's known ancestor has been a Lithuanian noble Radvila Astikas. His father Kristinas Astikas was the first to receive Trąby Coat of Arms after the Union of Horodło in 1413, which became the coat of arms of the family. The first person to use Radvila as a family name was a son of Radvila Astikas, Mikalojus Radvila, whose sons became the progenitors of the three known Radziwiłł family lines.

In Polish, the name has been spelled "Radziwiłł" now for several centuries, but it originally comes from the Lithuanian name, spelled in _lt. Radvila, plural "Radvilos". The name is spelled in _be. Радзівіл, Radzivił (plural "Радзівілы", "Radziviły").

The Radziwiłł family kept its importance and noble status for over five centuries. For centuries leading representatives of the family were proctectors of Lithuanian sovereignty from a political aggression of Poland and a military aggression of Russia. They acquired and maintained great wealth and influence from 15th century-16th century until the beginning of Second World War in 1939. The family has produced many outstanding politicians, military commanders, clergymen, cultural benefactors and entrepreneurs who left a significant mark on Lithuanian, Belarusian, Polish and general European history and culture.

A branch of Radvila Astikas' descendants became powerful magnates and their name is remembered as one of the most famous magnate families in Grand Duchy of Lithuania (later, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). The Radziwiłł family reached the heights of its importance and power during the Golden Age of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th century. Lithuanian Radziwiłłs were elevated to the title of "Reichsfürst" (Prince of the Empire), granted by Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor after the Jagiellonian-Habsburg congress at Vienna in 1515. This title was very unusual among szlachta (Polish-Lithuanian nobility).

The oldest still-standing monuments of the Radivilias family is a gothic parish church in Vyžuonos(cir. 1406) and gothic St. George church (cir. 1445) in the very centre of Lithuania, Kėdainiai town. The main seat of Biržai-Dubingiai Radziwiłł family line was Dubingiai Castle and since the second half of the 17th century - Biržai Castle (both in Lithuania). This line became extinct after the death of Ludwika Karolina Radziwiłł in 1695. Since the 18th century all Radziwiłłs are descendants of the Nieśwież-Ołyka Radziwiłł family line, which had its main residence at Niasvizh Castle (Nieśwież) in present-day Belarus. Other residences and properties included Mir Castle, Ołyka, Biržai, Kėdainiai, Szydłowiec, Taujėnai, Lubča, Połoneczka and Radziwiłłów.

Due to the activities of Janusz Radziwilłł during The Deluge, the family lost much of its wealth and power.


The Radziwiłł family members include:
* Mikalojus Radvila, c. 1450-1509, voivode, chancellor
* Mikolaj Radziwiłł, 1470-1521, chancellor
* Jerzy Radziwiłł, 1480-1541, hetman, voivode, castellan, marshal
* Mikołaj III Radziwiłł, c. 1492-1530, Bishop of Samogitia
* Mikołaj "the Red" Radziwiłł, 1512-1584, hetman, chancellor
* Mikołaj "the Black" Radziwiłł, 1515-1565, marshal, chancellor, palatineSince 1515 both Mikolajs and the Radziwill family were elevated to Reichsfürsten of the Holy Roman Empire
* Barbara Radziwiłł, 1520-1550, Queen of Poland

* Mikołaj VII Radziwiłł, 1546-1589, chamberlain
* Krzysztof Mikołaj "the Lightning" Radziwiłł, 1547-1603, hetman
* Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł 1549-1616, voivode, marshall, castellan, prince
* Grzegorz Radziwiłł 1558-1600, Cardinal of Kraków 1591-1600
* Krystyna Radziwiłł, 1560-1580
* Grzegorz Radziwiłł, 1578-1613, castellan
* Janusz Radziwiłł, 1579-1620, castellan
* Krzysztof II Radziwiłł, 1585-1640, hetman
* Albert III Radziwiłł, 1589-1636, castellan
* Albrycht Stanisław Radziwiłł, 1595-1656, chancellor
* Janusz Radziwiłł, 1612-1655, hetman, voivode
* Bogusław Radziwiłł 1620-1669
* Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł, 1625-1680, hetman, chancellor
* Ludwika Karolina Radziwiłł, 1667-1695
* Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł, 1669-1719, Grand Chancellor of Lithuania
* Katarzyna Barbara Radziwiłł, 1693-1730
* Michał Kazimierz "Rybeńko" Radziwiłł, 1702-1762
* Karol Stanisław "Panie Kochanku" Radziwiłł, 1734-1790, voivode of Vilnius and Marshal of the Bar Confederation
* Antoni Henryk Radziwiłł, 1775-1833, statholder
* Michał Gedeon Radziwiłł, 1778-1850, senator, general
* Elisabeth Radziwill, cousin and desired bride of Wilhelm I, German Emperor
* Catherine Radziwill, 1858-1941, Polish princess, stalked and ruined the career of Cecil Rhodes
* Janusz Radziwiłł 1880-1967, senator
* Stanisław Albrecht Radziwiłł 1914-1976, married Caroline Lee Bouvier, younger sister of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.
* Anna Radziwiłł, b. 1939, Polish senator, minister, secretary of state
* George Andrew Dominique Jerome Peter Leon Radziwill (1942 - 2001)
* Konstanty Radziwiłł b. 1958 r., Polish doctor
* Anthony Radziwill 1959-1999, American filmmaker
* Anna Christina Radziwill b. 1960, Daughter of Stanislas Radziwill and Caroline Lee Bouvier (Lee Radziwill), sister of Anthony
* Carole Radziwill b. 1968, widow of Anthony Radziwill, author
* Roza XVI Radziwill, now Roza Broel-Plater b. December 25., 1934. Polish Princess.
* Krzysztof Konstanty Radziwill

See also

* Lithuanian nobility
* Noble's Democracy
* Radziwiłł Chronicle

External links

* [http://www.radziwill.com/ Radziwill Family Links and Genealogy]
* [http://www.szlachta.org/2radziwill.htm Short history of the Radziwill Family]
* [http://www.angelfire.com/mi4/polcrt/radziwill.html The Radziwill Dynasty: From Pagan Times to the 1960s]
* [http://www.radziwill.com/genealogy.htm Short Radziwill Genealogy]
* [http://www.openit.com.ua/reportage.php?id=95#1 Radziwill's castle in Olyka, Ukraine]
* [http://www.muzeum.slupsk.pl/radziwillowie/default.htm RADZIWIŁŁOWIE pędzlem i piórkiem JÓZEFA MEHOFFERA] - History and gallery from exhibition at Słupsk Museum
* [http://mok.splius.lt/~sventupis/biblioteka/Radvilos/index.htm Radziwill family website]

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