Alexander Witt

Alexander Witt

name = Alexander Witt
birth_date = 1952
birth_place = flagicon|Chile Santiago, Chile
death_date =
death_place =
occupation = Film director and cinematographer
salary =
networth =
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website =
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Alexander B. Witt (b. 1952, Santiago, Chile) is a Hollywood filmmaker who has worked mostly as a camera operator and second unit director. His feature directorial debut came in 2004 with "", based on the popular Capcom video game series.Witt also became the 2nd Unit Director on the James Bond movie "Casino Royale" in 2006.From an interview on IGN, he says this about his history: "I was born in Chili, the third generation of Germans there. And, we moved to Mexico, from Mexico in '73 I moved to Europe, where I started working in film. I started with Arriflex, the company that makes the cameras. I was there for a year and I did kind of a trainee type of year where I was in the sound department, in the lab, in the studio working with the actual productions and also assembling cameras. And then I moved to Europe, where I lived three years, and then, back in '76, I did my first movie as a camera assistant, which was 21 Hours at Munich. And then, I kept on going, I moved up to focus puller or first AC, and then operating and then DP-ing. And then I was DP-ing commercials and then I started directing commercials in the late 80's and beginning of [the] 90's. I was working with Jan and doing his second unit as a DP while he was a DP He is the one that really gave me the break on Speed 1 to start directing second unit. "

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