computational complexity theory , thecomplexity class 2-EXPTIME (sometimes called 2-EXP) is the set of alldecision problem s solvable by adeterministic Turing machine in O(22"p"("n")) time, where "p"("n") is a polynomial function of "n".In terms of
We know
PSPACE EXPTIME NEXPTIME EXPSPACE 2-EXPTIMEELEMENTARY .2-EXPTIME can also be reformulated as the space class
AEXPSPACE , the problems that can be solved by analternating Turing machine in exponential space. This is one way to see that EXPSPACE 2-EXPTIME, since an alternating Turing machine is at least as powerful as a deterministic Turing machine. [Christos Papadimitriou, Computational Complexity (1994), ISBN 9780201530827. Section 20.1, corollary 3, page 495.]2-EXPTIME is one class in a hierarchy of complexity classes with increasingly higher time bounds. The class
3-EXPTIME is defined similarly to 2-EXPTIME but with a triply-exponential time bound . This can be generalized to higher and higher time bounds.2-EXPTIME-complete problems
Generalizations of many fully observable games are EXPTIME-complete. These games can be viewed as particular instance of a class of transition systems defined in terms of a set of state variables and actions/events that change the values of the state variables, together with the question of whether a winning strategy exists.
A generalization of this class of fully observable problems to partially observable problems lifts the complexity from
EXPTIME -complete to 2-EXPTIME-complete. [ cite journal | author = Jussi Rintanen | title = [http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~ki/papers/Rintanen03compl.pdf Complexity of Planning with Partial Observability] | journal = Proceedings of International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling | publisher = AAAI Press | pages = 345–354 | year = 2004 ]ee also
Double exponential function References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.