

name = "Albugo"

image_width = 200px
image_caption = "Albugo candida", on "Capsella bursa-pastoris"
domain = Eukaryota
regnum = Chromalveolata
phylum = Heterokontophyta
classis = Oomycetes
ordo = Albuginales
familia = Albuginaceae
familia_authority =
genus = "Albugo"
genus_authority =
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =Many, see text

"Albugo" is a genus of oomycetes which are not true fungi (Eumycota), although many discussions of this organisms still treat them as a fungus. The taxonomy of this genus is incomplete, but several species are plant pathogens. "Albugo" is one of three genera currently described in the family Albuginaceae, the taxonomy of many species is still in flux.

This organism causes white rust or white blister diseases in above-ground plant tissues. While these organisms affect many types of plants, the destructive aspect of infection is limited to a few agricultural crops.

Some species of "the Albuginaceae"

*"Wilsoniana bliti" and Wilsoniana amaranthi, White rusts of Amaranth.
*"Albugo candida", White rust of serveral Brassicaceae
*"Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae", White rust, parasitic to some Convolvulaceae.
*"Albugo occidentalis", Spinach white rust.
*"Wilsoniana platensis", White rust of some ornamentals (e.g. Boerhavia).
*"Wilsoniana portulaceae", White rust of portulac (Portulaca oleracea)
*"Pustula tragopogonis", white rust of goatsbeard (Tragopogon). Often, sunflower white rust is also attributed to this species.

See also

* Plant pathology

External links

* [ Albuginaceae and other families of plant parasitic oomycetes, taxonomy partly outdated]
* [ Information and references for some "Albugo" species]
* [ White rust plant pathology]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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