- Thomas E. Woodward
Thomas E. Woodward is professor of missions, evangelism and science at
Trinity College of Florida /Dallas Theological Seminary (Tampa Bay Extension) and a prominentChristian apologist . Woodward has published widely defendingintelligent design and attacking Darwin's theory ofevolution . His biography on Amazon.com lists the subjects he teaches as "systematic theology, communications, and therhetoric of science ". [citation|url=http://www.sptimes.com/2005/11/22/news_pf/Citrus/Professor_evolves_int.shtml|title=Professor evolves into movement crusader |first=Mary|last=Spicuzza|date=November 22, 2005|accessdate=2008-08-15]Woodward did his doctoral work in the Department of Communication of the
University of South Florida . His thesis, a history of the Intelligent Design movement, was published by Baker Books as "Doubts About Darwin" in 2003. Since 1988, Woodward has led Trinity’s Center for University Ministries (CFUM), as well as an evangelical teaching and discipleship ministry, theC. S. Lewis Society, which is hosted by Trinity College. Prior to this, Woodward served withUFM International ("Unevangelized Field Mission International", a missionary organization now known asCrossworld ) in theDominican Republic . Woodward has a B.A. in History awarded by Princeton University and a Th. M. in Systematic Theology from the Dallas Theological Seminary. [citebook|title=Why Good Arguments Often Fail: Making a More Persuasive Case for Christ|first=James W. |last=Sire|publisher=InterVarsity Press|year= 2006|id=ISBN 0830833811|pages=195]In the fall of 2006 and the spring of 2007, Woodward was adjunct faculty at the Tampa extension of the
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary of Wake Forest,North Carolina . He taught classes in "Salvation and Religious Pluralism" and "Eschatology".Books
*"Doubts about Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design", Thomas Woodward, Baker Books, June 2003, ISBN 0801064430
*"Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design", Thomas Woodward, Baker Books, November 1, 2006, ISBN 0801065631 [cite web
url=http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-16109932_ITM|title=New in religion: anti-religion: fall books bring evidence of a backlash against faith.
publisher=Publishers Weekly (July, 2006)|accessdate=2008-08-16|last=|first=]Articles
* [http://www.ctlibrary.com/ct/2004/novemberweb-only/11-22-22.0.html "Were the Darwinists Wrong? National Geographic stacks the deck"] , Thomas E. Woodward, ChristianityToday, November 1, 2004
* [http://www.apologetics.org/articles/staring.html "STARING DOWN DARWINISM: A Book Review"] , Thomas E. Woodward, apologetics.org
* [http://www.apologetics.org/articles/doubts.html "DOUBTS ABOUT DARWIN: In the face of mounting evidence, more scientists are abandoning evolution."] , Thomas Woodward, apologetics.orgReferences
External links
* [http://worldwide.kfuo.org/kfuo/issues_etc6/Issues_Etc_Nov_28b.wma KFUO Radio interview of Thomas Woodward]
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