- Gary J. Galperin
Gary J. Galperin is the Deputy Chief of the Trial Division at the New York County District Attorney's Office as well as an Adjunct Professor of Law at the
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law specializing in criminal law and trial advocacy.cite web |title=Adjunct Faculty |url=http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/MemberContentDisplay.aspx?ccmd=ContentDisplay&ucmd=UserDisplay&userid=10676 |work=Cardozo Law |accessdate=2008-01-26]Cardozo Law
Galperin has been an adjunct at Cardozo since 1993 and teaches the Criminal Justice and Society Colloquium and Prosecutor Practicum. He obtained his Juris Doctor degree from Cardozo Law in 1980 and joined the New York County District Attorney's Office in 1981. He was named Best Adjunct Professor in 2001, and received in 2004 the Distinguished Alumnus Award for Contribution to Public Service.cite web |title=Adjunct Faculty |url=http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/life/fall2004/pdf/alumni_news.pdf |work=Cardozo Law Alumni Newsletter |accessdate=2008-01-26]
New York County ADA
At the New York County District Attorney's Office, Galperin has been involved with the Narcotics Eviction Program, a crime-fighting unit that rids communities of drug dealers and others involved in illegal businesses,cite web |title=The Manhattan District Attorney’s Narcotics Eviction Program |url=http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/mann.pdf |work=US Department of Justice |accessdate=2008-01-26] and he also oversees insanity defense cases.cite web |title=Lingering Emptiness |first=Jan |last=Hoffman |date=
1995-02-18 |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=990CE0DB1730F93BA25751C0A963958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2 |work=The New York Times|accessdate=2008-01-26]Major Cases
*Ronald Short: Bludgeoned and hacked his two young sons to death and concealed their bodies in the basement coal room of a Manhattan building he oversaw.cite web |title=Court Theatrics Abound At a Murder Sentencing |first=Alan |last=Feuer |date=
2001-05-10 |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9904E5D7123BF933A25756C0A9679C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all |work=The New York Times|accessdate=2008-01-26] cite web |title=Dad Surprises With Guilty Plea in Sons' Slayings |first=Barbara |last=Ross |date=2001-04-10 |url=http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2001/04/10/2001-04-10_dad_surprises_with_guilty_pl.html |work=The Daily News|accessdate=2008-01-26]*
Daniel Rakowitz : Killed ex-girlfriend, dismembered her and stored her bones in a locker.cite web |title=Hearing Revisits East Village Killing and Dismemberment |first=Colin |last=Moyniham |date=2004-06-04 |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9800EFDB1130F936A25755C0A9629C8B63 |work=The New York Times |accessdate=2008-01-26] cite web |title=Sicko Gets Beastly Laughs |first=Helen |last=Peterson |date=2004-07-10 |url=http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2004/07/10/2004-07-10_sicko_gets_beastly_laughs.html |work=The Daily News |accessdate=2008-01-26]*Thaddeus Davis: Murdered his former girlfriend and caused paralysis of a subway conductor.cite web |title=Life Prison Term For Subway Murder |date=
1993-05-13 |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CE1D8173BF930A25756C0A965958260 |work=The New York Times |accessdate=2008-01-26]*Foxy Brown: Accused of assaulting two nail salon workers in a fight over payment for a manicure.cite web |title=Rapper Foxy Brown trial set for July |date=
2006-05-26 |url=http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2006-05-26-foxy-brown_x.htm |work=The Associated Press |accessdate=2008-01-26]Notes
External links
1. [http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/MemberContentDisplay.aspx?ccmd=ContentDisplay&ucmd=UserDisplay&userid=10676 Cardozo Adjunct Faculty]
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