

Infobox Greek Dimos
name = Astakos
name_local = Αστακός

periph = West Greece
prefec = Aetolia-Acarnania
province =
population = 7252
population_as_of = 2001
population_ref = [ source]
pop_dens = 21
area = 345.1
elevation = 1
lat_deg = 38
lat_min = 32
lat_hem = N
lon_deg = 21
lon_min = 5
lon_hem = E
postal_code = 300 06
area_code = 26460
licence = AI
mayor =
website =

caption_skyline =


districts =
party =
since =
elevation_min =
elevation_max =

Astakos ( _el. Αστακός), (which means "lobster" in Greek) is a community and a municipality located on the eastern shore of the Ionian Sea but small hills inhibit the view of the place and it does not overlook most of the islands. The place was founded in the ancient times. It is located on a road linking Agios Nikolaos and GR-5 near Mesolonghi slightly east of Aitolikon. In the Byzantine Era, the town was known as Dragamesti. A tiny bay can be found south of Astakos. It is located SSE of Lefkada and Preveza, S of Arta, SW of Amphilochia, W of Agrinion and NW of Aitolikon and Mesolonghi.

Nearest places

*Karaiskaki NNW
*Vasilopoulo NE


**Kato Chrysovitsa

Historical population

The community has a school, a gymnasium, a church, a post office, a small port with a small pier and a beach located not far from the centre, and a square ("plateia") Much of the municipality and the commune are deforested and rocky while mountains can be seen to the north and northeast.


*Leo Leandros (1926) singer and composer

External links

* (in Greek)
*Coordinates: coord|38|31|59|N|21|4|46|E|region:GR

ee also

*Communities of Aetolia-Acarnania

*Astacus, the scientific name of the crayfish
*Astakos Plaki

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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