Herakleides Lembos

Herakleides Lembos

Herakleides Lembos was an Ancient Greek philosophical writer. Not much is known about him, but excerpts he made of works of Aristotle give surviving fragments of lost works of the latter. These were published in 1847 as "Heraclidis politiarum quae extant", by F. G. Schneidewin.

He is said to have lived in the second century BC [ [http://www.ancientlibrary.com/smith-bio/0070.html] , in the reign of Ptolemy Philometor.]


*"Heraclidis Lembi; excerpta politiarum" (1971), editor and translator Mervin R. Dilts
*Miroslav Marcovich, "Heraclidis Lembi Excerpta Politiarum", The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 96, No. 1 (Spring, 1975), pp. 16-18


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