Erich Geiringer

Erich Geiringer

Erich Geiringer (1917 - 1995) was a New Zealand writer, publisher, broadcaster, Fulbright scholar, a leading member of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, and the founder of the New Zealand Medical Association. He was described in a memorial tribute as "one of the most significant public health figures in New Zealand in the last half century". []

Born in Vienna in 1917, he escaped Nazi Germany in 1938, going first to Belgium and later the United Kingdom, attending medical school in Edinburgh and Glasgow. In New Zealand he became a researcher at Otago Medical School in the 1960s. []

Geiringer was instrumental in the IPPNW's campaign in seeking an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice questioning the legality of nuclear weapons. []

He died in Wellington in 1995.

External links

* [ Tribute to Erich Geiringer] by International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

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