

Infobox German Location
image_photo = TrittauerMuehle.jpg
Wappen = Trittau Wappen.pnglat_deg = 53 |lat_min = 37 |lat_sec = 0
lon_deg = 10 |lon_min = 24 |lon_sec = 0
Bundesland = Schleswig-Holstein
Kreis = Stormarn
Amt = Trittau
Höhe = 36
Fläche = 28.59
Einwohner = 7631
Stand = 2006-09-30
PLZ = 2294222946
PLZ-alt = 2077
Vorwahl = 04154
Kfz = OD
Gemeindeschlüssel = 01 0 62 082
Adresse-Verband = Europaplatz 5
22946 Trittau
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Walter Nussel

Trittau is a municipality in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, located 30 km east of Hamburg. It is the economical and administrative center of Amt Trittau, which is part of the Stormarn district. Other villages in the county are Grönwohld, Lütjensee, Großensee, Rausdorf and Grande.


Trittau lies close to the Hahnheide forest. Nearby rivers are the river Aue and the river Bille. The county is abundant with small lakes.


The Trittau village dates back to the 12th century. It was first mentioned in 1239, possibly 1167. In those days it was situated close to the Hamburg - Rostock and Hamburg - Lübeck trade routes.

The village then consisted of a Saxon part (Groß-Trittau) and a Wagrian part (Klein-Trittau). In 1326, a castle was built to defend the region and the trade route against the Scarpenberg knights from nearby Linau castle.

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