Archy — is a software system whose user interface poses a radically different approach for interacting with computers with respect to traditional graphical user interfaces. Designed by human computer interface expert Jef Raskin, it embodies his ideas and … Wikipedia
Archy — Arch y, a. Arched; as, archy brows. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-archy — [är kē, ər kē] [via ME archy or OFr archie or L archia < Gr archein, to rule] combining form forming nouns rule or government [matriarchy, monarchy] … English World dictionary
archy — *ar chy [Gr. ?, fr. ? chief. See {Arch }, pref.] A suffix properly meaning a rule, ruling, as in monarchy, the rule of one only. Cf. { arch}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-archy — suffix meaning rule, from L. archia, from Gk. arkhia rule, from arkhos leader, chief, ruler, from arkhe beginning, origin, first place (see ARCHON (Cf. archon)) … Etymology dictionary
-archy — a combining form meaning rule, government, forming abstract nouns usually corresponding to personal nouns ending in arch: monarchy; oligarchy. [ME archie < L archia < Gk, equiv. to arch(os) or arch(es) ARCH + ia Y3] * * * archy / är ki or… … Useful english dictionary
Archy and mehitabel — ist der Titel einer Reihe von Gedichten des US amerikanischen Autors Don Marquis, die ab 1916 in dessen Kolumne Sun Dial erst in der Zeitung Evening Sun, ab 1922 seiner Kolumne The Lantern in der New York Tribune und ab 1926 im Collier s Magazine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Archy und mehitabel — archy and mehitabel ist der Titel einer Reihe von Gedichten des US amerikanischen Autors Don Marquis, die ab 1916 in dessen Kolumne Sun Dial erst in der Zeitung Evening Sun, ab 1922 seiner Kolumne The Lantern in der New York Tribune und ab 1926… … Deutsch Wikipedia
archy und mehitabel — archy and mehitabel ist der Titel einer Reihe von Gedichten des US amerikanischen Autors Don Marquis, die ab 1916 in dessen Kolumne Sun Dial erst in der Zeitung Evening Sun, ab 1922 seiner Kolumne The Lantern in der New York Tribune und ab 1926… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Archy and mehitabel — [ New York Tribune on September 11, 1922, introducing the new column.] archy and mehitabel is the title of a series of newspaper columns written by Don Marquis beginning in 1916. Written as fictional social commentary and intended as a space… … Wikipedia