Blazhen Muzh

Blazhen Muzh

"Blazhen Muzh"" (Church Slavonic, "Blessed is the Man") is a setting of verses from psalms 1, 2 & 3 taken from the Byzantine ( Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholic) tradition of Vespers. As with many of the psalms and hymns, "Blazhen Muzh" attracted the attention of composers.

Alexander Gretchaninov first used it in his epic "All-Night Vigil" composed in 1912, specifically for use by the Synod Choir. Three years later, Rachmaninov used the same hymn in his "All-Night Vigil", composed in 1915 and performed in Moscow, also by the Synod Choir.

The version below is the one set by Sergei Vasil'yevich Rachmaninov.

The text in English is as follows:

:Blessed is the man, who walks not in the counsel of the wicked.:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.:for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.:Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling.:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.:Blessed are all who take refuge in him.:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.:Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God!:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.:Salvation is of the Lord; and Thy blessing is upon Thy people.:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.:Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God!:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God!:Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God!

The text from the Russian Orthodox Church:

In Cyrillic:

:Блаженъ мужъ, иже не иде на советъ нечестивыхъ.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ.:Яко вѣсть Господь пѹть праведныхъ, и пѹть нечестивыхъ погибнетъ.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ.:Работайте Господеви со страхомъ и радѹйтеся Емѹ съ трепетомъ.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ.:Блажени вси надеющиися Нань.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ.:Воскресни, Господи, спаси мя, Боже мой.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ..:Господне есть спасенїе и на людѣхъ Твоїхъ благословенїе Твое.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ.:Слава Отцѹ и Сынѹ и Свѧтомѹ Дѹхѹ, И нынѣ и приснω и во вѣки вѣкωвъ. Аминь.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ. Слава Тебѣ, Боже.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ. Слава Тебѣ, Боже.:Аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ, аллилѹїѧ. Слава Тебѣ, Боже.

Transliterated into the Roman alphabet:

:Blazhen muzh, izhe ne ide na sovet nechestivykh.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia.:Jako vest' Gospod' put' pravednykh, i put' nechestivykh pogibnet.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia.:Rabotajte Gospodevi so strakhom i radujtesja Emu s trepetom.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia.:Blazheni vsi nadejushchiisja Nan'.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia.:Voskresni, Gospodi, spasi mja, Bozhe moj.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia.:Gospodne est' spasenie i na ljudekh Tvoikh blagoslovenie Tvoe.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia.:Slava Otcu i Synu i Svjatomu Dukhu, i nyne i prisno i vo veki vekov. Amin'.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia. Slava Tebe, Bozhe.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia. Slava Tebe, Bozhe.:Allilujia, allilujia, allilujia. Slava Tebe, Bozhe.

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