Education in Gabon

Education in Gabon

Gabon is 1,362,000 inhabitants of which 41% is less than 15 years old. Libreville, the capital, admits 700,000 inhabitants. 16% of the population is rural. Life expectancy is 53 years old.

9.6 % of government budget goes to education. School life expectancy is 13 years from Grade 1 to Grade 13. The baccalaureate is the second diploma of value. French is the language of education.

General baccalaureates include:

* A1 whose concentrations are French Language, philosophy and mathematics;
* A2 whose concentrations are French Language and foreign languages;
* B whose concentration is Economy;
* C whose concentrations are Mathematics and Physics;
* D whose concentrations are Mathematics, Physics and Biological and Earth Sciences;

=Universities and higher institutions in Gabon=

* Omar Bongo University
* Masuku Sciences and Technical University
* Health Sciences Medical School
* Franceville Medical Research International Centre (Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville)
* Forestry National School, Libreville
* National School of Law (Ecole nationale de magistrature)
* Higher School of Education (Ecole Normale Superieure)
* Secretary Learning National School (Ecole Nationale de Secretariat)
* Polytechnic School of Masuku
* African Institute of Computer Science (Institut Africain d’Informatique)
* Business National Institute (Institut national des sciences de gestion)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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