Antonin Fritsch

Antonin Fritsch

Antonin Fritsch (orig. Antonín Frič, June 30th, 1832 - November 15th, 1913) was a Czech paleontologist, biologist and geologist, living during the Austria-Hungary era. Professor at the Charles University and later became director of the National Museum in Prague. He became famous for his contributions on the field of permo - carboniferous ecosystems.

He also became known for finding fossils once attributed to dinosaurs - "Albisaurus scutifer" and "Procerosaurus exogyrarum" and so far the only pterosaur known from the Czech Republic, "Ornithocheirus? hlavatschi" (found in 1880 near Chocen, originally described by Frič as "Cretornis hlavatschi"). The pterosaur was small with a wingspan of about 1,5m and lived in Turonian.

The first true dinosaur known from the Czech Republic was discovered 90 years after Frič's death (in 2003). It's a small iguanodontid from Cenomanian.

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