- School Tyme Hip-Hop
School Tyme Hip-Hop Productions,LLC (STHHP) is a music production company geared toward
Edutainment , specializing in getting children K-8 excited about education through the art of hip-hop. FoundedFebruary 8 ,2006 by twoSouth Los Angeles natives, Mr.Mengesha "Mystro" Francis , president and hip-hop producer, and Domanic Allen, vice president. The two young black entrepreneurs are helping to change misconceptions about the voice of hip-hop.Their most significant goal has been to convey the importance of the hip-hop culture to the school boards and their members. Currently they have been receiving a lot of positive feed back from prominent figures such as,
LAUSD Boardmember of District One Marguerite Poindexter Lamotte, and Supervisor, Second DistrictYvonne Brathwaite Burke who has written, "The concept of your company sounds Innovative and Interesting. Keep me informed as to the progress of your company."cite web|last=Burke|first=Yvonne B.|authorlink=Yvonne_Brathwaite_Burke|coauthors= |date=2007-01-18 |url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
April 26th ,2007 , the "Los Angeles Sentinel " published a featured article about STHHP within the entertainment section of the publication. The author, Brandon I. Brooks, Assistant Entertainment Editor states, "Fast forward thirty years after the release of School House Rock and two young black entrepreneurs are ready to resurrect education through music. But instead of using rock & roll the two men are planning on using the art of hip-hop music to teach education."cite web|last=Brooks |first=Brooks I. |authorlink=Brandon_I_Brooks|coauthors= |date=2007-04-26 |url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
School Tyme Hip-Hop Productions Roster:President and Musical Producer: Mengesha "Mystro" Francis,Vice President: Domanic Allen,Artist: Kevis "Kevae" Kee,Artist: Will "Tip-Toe" Magee,Artist: George "G-Myth" Lucas,Artist: David "Maniak" Walton
STHHP's first project is a single titled "9105 South Alphabet Boulevard."."cite web|last=Smith |first=Clyde |authorlink= |coauthors= |date=
2007-05-15 |url=http://www.jumpoff.tv/newsstory.php?id=480 |title=9105 S Alphabet Blvd. |work=JumpOff.TV| language=English |accessdate=2007-05-15]Mengesha "Mystro" Francis' autobiography titled, A PLACE TO BE KING, written by L.D. Sargent, is scheduled for publication in the fall of 2009.
* [http://www.sthhp.com]
School Tyme Hip-Hop website
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.