

A triolet (pronEng|ˈtriːəˌlɨt or IPA|/ˌtriːəˈleɪ/) is a one stanza poem of eight lines. Its rhyme scheme is "ABaAabAB" and all lines are in iambic tetrameter; the first, fourth and seventh lines are identical, as are the second and final lines, thereby making the initial and final couplets identical as well.


The form stems from medieval French poets - the earliest written examples are from the late 13th century. Some of the earliest known triolets composed in English were written by the Benedictine monk Patrick Carey, who purportedly used them in his devotions. An effective conventional triolet achieves two things; firstly the naturalness of the refrain and secondly the alteration of the refrain's meaning. Take, for example, the following by Thomas Hardy;

:"Birds At Winter"

:"Around the house the flakes fly faster,":"And all the berries now are gone':"From holly and cotoneaster":"Around the house. The flakes fly! – faster":"Shutting indoors the crumb-outcaster":"We used to see upon the lawn":"Around the house. The Flakes fly faster":"And all the berries now are gone!"

:Thomas Hardy

Notice how in the last line the punctuation is altered; this is common although not strictly in keeping with the original form. Furthermore, the fact that the 'berries now are gone' has a new relevance; the birds are going unfed. Triolets are a reasonably rare form; but their concise nature is a good start for new poets.Fact|date=September 2008 They are used more than anything in cards and love letters - their short beauty makes them a perfect gift.Fact|date=September 2008

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