Leaving Certificate Applied
- Leaving Certificate Applied
The Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) is a self-contained two-year programme of the Irish Department of Education and Science. It was introduced in 1995. According to the Department, the programme is "intended to meet the needs of those pupils who either choose not to opt for other Leaving Certificate Programmes.[cite web |url=http://www.education.ie/servlet/blobservlet/ppschools_preface.doc |title=Leaving Certificate Applied |accessdate=2007-05-21 |format=MSWord] ]
The programme is aimed at young people who have completed the Junior Certificate and students who have taken a fas course. [cite web |url=http://lca.slss.ie/faq.html |title=Leaving Certificate Applied - FAQ |accessdate=2007-05-21] ]
ee also
* Junior Certificate
* Leaving Certificate
* Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
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Leaving Certificate — The Leaving Certificate ( ga. Ardteistiméireacht), commonly referred to as the Leaving Cert (Irish: Ardteist ) is the final course in the Irish secondary school system and culminates with the Leaving Certificate Examination. It takes a minimum of … Wikipedia
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme — The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is a two year Education Programme of the Irish Department of Education and Science. It was introduced in 1989. According to the Department, the programme is designed to give a strong vocational… … Wikipedia
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St Macartan's College — St. Macartan s College is the major Roman Catholic boys Diocesan College in Monaghan, Ireland. It is named after Saint Macartan, follower of St. Patrick and founder and bishop of the Diocese of Clogher. The school educates Catholic boys in County … Wikipedia
Bridgetown Vocational College — (BVC) is an Irish secondary school in Bridgetown, County Wexford, Ireland, managed by the County Wexford Vocational Education Committee (VEC).HistoryTechnical education in Ireland has a history that stretches back over hundreds of years. The… … Wikipedia
Systeme educatif irlandais — Système éducatif irlandais Le système éducatif irlandais est très similaire aux autres systèmes occidentaux, incluant trois niveaux distincts : primaire, secondaire et supérieur. La croissance économique depuis les années 1960 a entraîné des … Wikipédia en Français
Système éducatif irlandais — Le système éducatif irlandais est très similaire aux autres systèmes occidentaux, incluant trois niveaux distincts : primaire, secondaire et supérieur. La croissance économique depuis les années 1960 a entraîné des changements dans le… … Wikipédia en Français