Karl Gustafsson

Karl Gustafsson

Karl "Köping" Gustafsson (September 16, 1888 – February 20, 1960) was a Swedish football (soccer) player who competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics, in the 1912 Summer Olympics, and in the 1920 Summer Olympics.

In the 1908 tournament he was a part of the Swedish football team.

Four years later he was a member of the Swedish Olympic squad. He played as midfielder one match in the main tournament as well as one match in the consolation tournament.

In the 1920 tournament he was also a part of the Swedish football team, as well as in the 1924 tournament, where he did not play. [ [http://www.fifa.com/tournaments/archive/tournament=512/edition=197020/teams/team=43970.html Sweden squad at the 1924 Summer Olympics, FIFA.com] ]


External links

* [http://users.skynet.be/hermandw/olymp/foo06sem.html Swedish squad in 1912]

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