- Tau-function
The Ramanujan tau function is the function au:mathbb{N} omathbb{Z} defined by the following identity:
:sum_{ngeq 1} au(n)q^n=qprod_{ngeq 1}(1-q^n)^{24}.
The first few values of the tau function are given in the following table OEIS|id=A000594:
If one substitutes q=exp(2pi iz) with zinmathfrak{h}={z in mathbb{C} : Im z > 0} then the function Delta(z):mathfrak{h} omathbb{C} defined by
:Delta(z)=sum_{ngeq 1} au(n)q^n
is a holomorphic
cusp form of weight 12 and level 1, known as the discriminant modular form.Ramanujan observed, but could not prove, the following three properties of au(n):* au(mn) = au(m) au(n) if gcd(m,n) = 1 (meaning that au(n) is a
multiplicative function )
* au(p^{r + 1}) = au(p) au(p^r) - p^{11} au(p^{r - 1}) for p prime and rinmathbb{Z}_{>0}
* au(p)| leq 2p^{11/2} for all primes p.The first two properties were proved by
Mordell in 1917 and the third one was proved byDeligne in 1974.Congruences for the tau function
For kinmathbb{Z} and ninmathbb{Z}_{>0}, define sigma_k(n) as the sum of the k-th powers of the divisors of n.The tau functions satisfies several congruence relations; many of them can be expressed in terms of sigma_k(n). Here are some::au(n)equivsigma_{11}(n) mod 2^{11}mbox{ for }nequiv 1 mod 8:au(n)equiv 1217sigma_{11}(n) mod 2^{13}mbox{ for } nequiv 3 mod 8:au(n)equiv 1537sigma_{11}(n) mod 2^{12}mbox{ for }nequiv 5 mod 8:au(n)equiv 705sigma_{11}(n) mod 2^{14}mbox{ for }nequiv 7 mod 8
:au(n)equiv n^{-610}sigma_{1231}(n) mod 3^{6}mbox{ for }nequiv 1 mod 3:au(n)equiv n^{-610}sigma_{1231}(n) mod 3^{7}mbox{ for }nequiv 2 mod 3
:au(n)equiv n^{-30}sigma_{71}(n) mod 5^{3}mbox{ for }n otequiv 0 mod 5
:au(n)equiv nsigma_{9}(n) mod 7mbox{ for }nequiv 0,1,2,4 mod 7:au(n)equiv nsigma_{9}(n) mod 7^2mbox{ for }nequiv 3,5,6 mod 7
:au(n)equivsigma_{11}(n) mod 691.
For p ot=23 prime, we have:au(p)equiv 0 mod 23mbox{ if }left(frac{p}{23} ight)=-1:au(p)equiv sigma_{11}(p) mod 23^2mbox{ if } pmbox{ is of the form } a^2+23b^2:au(p)equiv -1 mod 23mbox{ otherwise}.
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