

Spanish city
native_name = Irun
spanish_name = Ciudad de Irún
nickname =
city_motto = Vigilantiae Custos | city_motto_means =

image_flag_size =150px
image_coat_of_arms =
image_coat_of_arms_size = 150px
image_city_map_size =
lat_long = coord|43|20|16.13|N|1|47|19.72|W
time_zone = CET (GMT +1)
time_zone_summer = CEST (GMT +2)

image_skyline_size =
founded = Feb 28 1776
native_language = Basque
community = Basque Country
community_link = Basque Country (autonomous community)
province = Gipuzkoa (Basque) Guipúzcoa (Spanish)
province_link = Guipúzcoa
comarca = Bajo Bidasoa
comarca_link = Bidasoa (region)
neighborhoods =
mayor = José Antonio Santano Clavero
political_party = PSE-EE
political_party_link = Socialist Party of Euskadi - Euskadiko Ezkerra
area = 42,40
altitude = from 5 to 825| population = 59.557
date-population = 2005
population-ranking =
density = 1404,65
date-density = 2005
website =
postal_code = 20.300-20.305
area_code =

Irun (old Basque for 'fortified town', Spanish: "Irún") is a town of the Bidasoa-Txingudi region in the province of Guipuscoa (Basque: Gipuzkoa) in the Basque Autonomous Community, Spain. Nowadays it is widely accepted by the historic researcher community that Irun is the ancient Basque Roman town of Oiasso on account of the vestiges (port, factory, etc.) disclosed lately in the historic nucleus of Irun, while the name itself may have applied to the whole surrounding area.

One of the biggest towns in Guipuscoa, its border town situation (it is located on the border between Spain and France, across the Bidasoa river from Hendaye), has made Irun into a commercial and logistic centre, with important railway infrastructure, where the SNCF RailGauge|sg|al=on|lk=on rails meet the 1,668 mm (5 ft 5frac|5|6 in) broad gauge Renfe ones. Currently Irun features a fair ground provided with modern exhibition and telecommunication facilities just at some 100 metres away from the actual borderline at the Santiago Bridge (river Bidasoa).

Irun is part of the conurbation of Txingudi bay with Hondarribia and Hendaye, the town being also involved in the Eurocité Basque Bayonne-San Sebastián.

One of its main festivals is the Alarde, a parade recreating an episode of the Peninsula War.

External links

* [ Website of Ficoba fair ground]
* [ Irun municipal government website]
* [ Eurocite Basque's official page]
* [ ] website dedicated to the SanMarciales and the Alarde of San Marcial.
* [ ] site dedicated to the Alarde of San Marcial the main festivity in town.
* [ IRUN in the Bernardo Estornés Lasa - Auñamendi Encyclopedia (Euskomedia Fundazioa)] es icon
* [ Oiasso Roman Museum]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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