Women’s Aid Organisation — (WAO) ist eine Nichtregierungsorganisation in Malaysia, die sich für Frauenrechte und insbesondere gegen Gewalt an Frauen einsetzt. Die Organisation wurde 1982 gegründet und spielt seitdem eine führende Rolle in der Frauenrechtsbewegung in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Women's Aid Federation of England — Women s Aid is a group of feminist charities across the United Kingdom. There are four main Women s Aid Federations, one for each country. Its aim is to end domestic violence against women and children. The charity works at both local and… … Wikipedia
Scottish Women's Aid — is a feminist charity campaigning to prevent domestic violence against women and children in Scotland. It was founded in 1973 and is an umbrella organisation for the network of 42 local Women s Aid groups in Scotland. It is the largest and oldest … Wikipedia
Women in the workforce — Part of a series on Women in Society … Wikipedia
Organisation égyptienne des droits de l'homme — L Organisation égyptienne des droits de l homme (OEDH) a été fondée en 1985 ; elle est maintenant considérée comme l une des plus anciennes et respectées[réf. souhaitée] organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) en Egypte. Son siège est… … Wikipédia en Français
Aid effectiveness — is the effectiveness of development aid in achieving economic or human development (or development targets). Aid agencies are always looking for new ways to improve aid effectiveness, including conditionality, capacity building and support for… … Wikipedia
Women in Côte d'Ivoire — formed less than half the country s population in 2003.cite web | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Overview: Côte d Ivoire Data extracted from the publication Country Profiles for Population and Reproductive Health , Policy … Wikipedia
Women in Black — is not an organization, but it is an anti war movement that varies somewhat in focus in different parts of the world. An estimate that there are about 10,000 activists in this movement worldwide is only a guess, since many women participate on a… … Wikipedia
Women's Service Guilds — The Women s Service Guilds, initially known as the Women s Service Guilds of Western Australia, was an organizing body of the feminist movement in Australia. Founded in 1909, they integrated the campaigns for improved status and welfare of women… … Wikipedia
Aid — For other uses, see Aid (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Ade, Aide, AIDS, or Ayd. Aiding redirects here. It is not to be confused with Ayding. Aid received, per capita, in 2007, in $ of Official Development Assistance per person. Note… … Wikipedia