- Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
Often called the most beloved and popular of college fraternity songs, "The Sweetheart of
Sigma Chi " was written in 1911 [ [http://www.albionmich.com/history/markers/amark08.htm Albion Michigan Historical Marker] ] by Byron D. Stokes (Albion, Class of 1913) and F. Dudleigh Vernor (Albion, Class of 1914). Stokes had written the words while in class one June day that year, and presented them that afternoon to Vernor, who was practicing the piano in a local house, and composed the music at that time. The song has since become a favorite among ballroom orchestras and was used in two movie musicals of the same name, in 1933 and 1946. When asked about the song's inspiration, Stokes replied, "The 'Sweetheart' is the symbol for the spiritual ingredient in brotherhood. It was the Sigma Chi Fraternity itself that inspired the song. I wrote the words not long after my initiation, and the magic of our Ritual with its poetic overtones and undertones was, I suppose, the source of my inspiration".The song was first sung by Harry Cliford (Albion '11), who later drew the cover for the original sheet music published by Vernor's brother Harry Vernor (Albion '13). The song became a big band hit, has in film and television, and continues to be recognized around the world. Through the years many people have tried to pin the title of "original sweetheart" on many women, however the two most likely candidates are Elsie Munro (Vernor's girlfriend) and Helen Beall Russell, who lived next to the old chapter house. Either way since then the concept of the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi has gained popularity all across the world with the adoption of sweethearts at every chapter and even an international sweetheart. [ [http://www.albion.edu/sigma_chi/chapter_subpages/sweetheart.html The Sweetheart Chapter (Alpha Pi)] ]
Gene Austin (1925-1936), "Voice of the Southland" [ [http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/store/artist/album/0,,241436,00.html?src=search Gene Austin (Artist Direct)] ]
Burt Bales (1959), "On the Waterfront" [ [http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/store/artist/album/0,,47659,00.html?src=search Burt Bales (Artist Direct)] ]
Bing Crosby (?), "On Treasure Island" [ [http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/store/artist/album/0,,278640,00.html?src=search Bing Crosby (Artist Direct)] ]
Dean Martin (1946) [ [http://www.lyricsdownload.com/dean-martin-the-sweetheart-of-sigma-chi-lyrics.html Dean Martin (Lyrics Download)] ]
Muzzy Marcellino (?) [ [http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/bio/0,,646804,00.html Muzzy Marcellino (Artist Direct)] ]
Fred Waring and The Pennsylvanians (1956), "College Memories" Decca Records DL 8222
Ben Webster (1960), "The Warm Moods" [ [http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/store/artist/album/0,,183799,00.html Ben Webster (Artist Direct)] ]
SIGnificant (2007), downloadable from [http://www.sigmachi.org SigmaChi.org] [ [http://web.sigmachi.org/wps/portal/!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_2KD/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.fireAptrixPortletAction/.c/6_0_15H/.ce/7_0_2L1/.p/5_0_1UH/.d/0?PC_7_0_2L1_aptrixPortletAction=UpdateAptrixPortletContext&WCM_Context=http://ilwwcm.sigmachi.org/ilwwcm/connect/NewsSite/NewsArea/News_07312005_Sweetheart-Song New Version of Sweetheart Song] ]
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir: Stars and Stripes Forever; March Favorites and College Songs, (1973, 1978)
"Ghost Story (1981) [ [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082449/ Ghost Story (IMDb)] ]
"Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (1946) [ [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0039002/ Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (IMDb)] ] "The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (1933) [ [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0024635/ The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (IMDb)] ]
Who's the Boss : Mona (Katherine Helmond ) Gets Pinned; Episode Number: 4; Season Number: 1; First Aired: Tuesday October 30, 1984; Production Code: 0107 [ [http://www.tv.com/whos-the-boss/mona-gets-pinned/episode/7782/reviews.html?review_id=224955&] ]
External links
* [http://www.sigmachi.org/ Official Sigma Chi website]
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