- 1919 United States anarchist bombings
April Mail bomb attacks
In late April 1919, approximately 30 booby trap bombs were mailed to a wide cross-section of prominent politicians (including the Attorney General of the United States), justice officials, and financiers, including John D. Rockefeller. Among all the prominent names, one bomb was addressed to a lowly FBI field agent, who just happened to be assigned to find several Galleanist fugitives, including a Galleanist ringleader, Carlo Valdinoci.Avrich (1991)page number] [Avrich (1996)]
The mail bombs were wrapped in bright green paper, and stamped "Gimbel Brother's - Novelty Samples". Inside the paper was a cardboard box containing a six-inch by three-inch block of hollowed wood about one inch in thickness, packed with a stick of
dynamite . A small vial ofsulfuric acid was fastened to the wood block, along with three fulminate-of-mercury blasting caps. Opening one end of the box (one end was marked "open") released a coil spring that caused the acid to drip from its vial onto the blasting caps; the acid ate through the caps, igniting them and detonating the dynamite.Avrich (1991), p. 141]The Galleanists intended their bombs to be delivered on May Day, the international day of communist, anarchist, and socialist revolutionary solidarity.
Seattle MayorOle Hanson , who had recently attained national prominence for opposing an anarchist-led strike in Seattle, received one of the mailed package bombs, which was opened by a William Langer, a member of his office staff. Fortunately, Langer opened the wrong end of the box, and the bottle of acid dropped onto a table. Langer took the bomb to the local police, who notified the Post Office and other police agencies. On April 29, Georgia senatorThomas W. Hardwick received a similarly disguised bomb, which blew off the hands of a housekeeper when she attempted to open the package. The senator's wife was also injured in the blast, which severely burned her face and neck. A piece of shrapnel from the bomb cut Mrs. Hardwick's lip and loosened several of her teeth. Only a few of the packages were delivered: because the plotters had neglected to add sufficient postage, one of the packages was discovered, and its distinctive markings enabled interceptions of most of them. [Avrich (1996)]On April 30, a post office employee in
New York City , having heard news reports describing the bombs' packaging, discovered sixteen of the bombs, while a further twelve bombs were eventually recovered before reaching their intended targets. The intended recipients were:*
A Mitchell Palmer ,Attorney General of the United States
*Albert S. Burleson ,Postmaster General of the United States
*William H. Lamar , Solicitor of the Post Office
*Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr ,United States Supreme Court justice
*William B. Wilson ,United States Secretary of Labor
*Anthony Caminetti , Commissioner General of Immigration
*Fredric C. Howe ,Port of New York Commissioner of Immigration
*Lee S. Overman , United States senator,North Carolina
*William H. King , United States senator,Utah
*Reed Smoot , United States senator,Utah
*Thomas W. Hardwick , former United States senator, Georgia
*John L. Burnett , United States congressman,Alabama
*Albert Johnson , United States congressman,Washington
*Kenesaw Mountain Landis , U.S. District Judge,Chicago
*Frank K. Nebeker , Special Assistant to the Attorney General
*Charles M. Fickert , District Attorney,San Francisco
*Edward A. Cunha , Assistant District Attorney,San Francisco
*John F. Hylan , mayor,New York City
*Richard E. Enright , Police Commissioner,New York City
*R.W. Finch , field agent,Bureau of Investigation
*Ole Hanson , mayor,Seattle, Washington
*William C. Sproul ,Governor of Pennsylvania
*William I. Schaffer , Attorney General, State ofPennsylvania
*T. Larry Eyre ,Pennsylvania state senator
*John D. Rockefeller , businessman
*J. P. Morgan, Jr. , businessman
*William Madison Wood , president,American Woolen Company
*Theodore G. Bilbo ,Governor of Mississippi
*Walter Scott, mayor,Jackson, Mississippi
*Frederick Bullmers , editor,Jackson, Mississippi "Daily News"June bombings
In June 1919, the Galleanists managed to blow up eight large bombs nearly simultaneously in several different U.S. cities. Apparently believing their first bombs were insufficiently powerful, the new bombs were much larger; one used twenty pounds of dynamite, all were wrapped or packaged with heavy metal slugs designed to act as shrapnel. [Washington Post, "20 Pounds of Dynamite In Bomb Used in New York", June 4, 1919] Among the intended victims were government officials who had endorsed anti-sedition laws and deportation, or judges who had sentenced Galleanist anarchists to prison. The homes of Mayor Harry L. Davis of Cleveland, Judge W.H.S. Thompson, Massachusetts State Representative Leland Powers, Judge Charles C. Nott of New York, and Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer (already a previous target of a Galleanist mail bomb), were all attacked. None of the intended targets were killed, but the bombs did claim the lives of a policeman, a woman who had been passing by one of the victim's homes, and one of the Galleanists - Carlo Valdinoci, a former editor of the Galleanist publication "Cronaca Sovversiva", and a close associate of Galleani himself. [Avrich (1991)] Avrich, Paul, "Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America", AK Press, (2005) ISBN 1904859275, 9781904859277, p. 496] Though not injured, Palmer and his family were thoroughly shaken by the blast.
The immediate result of the bombing campaign was a backlash against anarchists and communists in the American press and government. Federal
Palmer Raids , named for the Attorney General who was both attacked and who organized the raids, arrested hundreds of suspected leftists under theEspionage Act of 1917 and theSedition Act of 1918 . Some 556 resident aliens with ties to anarchism or revolutionary violence were deported pursuant to theAnarchist Exclusion Act , including Luigi Galleani. However, the Galleanist bombing campaign continued unabated; the next year, theWall Street bombing killed 38 persons and wounded 400.Related topics
Anarchism and violence
*Propaganda of the deed Notes
*Allen, F. L. (1957). "Only yesterday; an informal history of the nineteen-twenties". New York: Harper.
*Avrich, P. (1991). "Sacco and Vanzetti: the anarchist background". Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691026041
*Avrich, P. (1996). "Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America", Princeton: Princeton University Press.
*McCormick, Charles H., "Hopeless Cases: The Hunt for the Red Scare Terrorist Bombers", University Press of America (2005), ISBN 0761831339, 9780761831334
*Neville, J. F. (2004). "Twentieth-century cause cèlébre: Sacco, Vanzetti, and the press, 1920-1927". Westport, Conn: Praeger.
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