Giuseppe Pistocchi

Giuseppe Pistocchi

Giuseppe Pistocchi (1744–1814) was an Italian architect of the Neoclassic style, active mainly near his natal city of Faenza.

Born in Faenza, his father, a sculptor and stuccoist, sends him to work with the architect Giuseppe Boschi (il Carloncino). A patron, the archbishop Cantoni of Ravenna, arranged for him to travel to Rome in 1762. In 1754, he directed the restoration of the Apostolic palace in Pesaro, and completed the facade of "Santa Maria degli Angeli" and restoration of the church "Sant' Agostino". Returning to Faenza, he directed construction of the "Oratorio della Confraternita di S. Matteo", and in 1768, he rebuilt the high altar of the Cathedral. In 1775, he worked in the "palazzo Bandini-Spada". From 1780-1782, he decorated the cupola of the Duomo of Ravenna. From 1780-1787, he directed the construction of the Communal theater in Faenza.

Other works include:
*1781: design for the New Seminary of Faenza.
*1785: Completes the Galleria called of the "Cento Pacifici".
*1786: Completes the Palazzo Gessi and Palazzo Conti.
*1787: pursues restoration of the Palazzo Pasolini DallOnda.
*1788: receives the title of "Cavaliere dello Speron DOro".
*1790: enters a design competition for the theater of La Fenice in Venice. He completes the convent of San Filippo in Faenza.
*1795: Begins work in Palazzo Milzetti.
*1796-1802: works with canal near Faenza and port authorities in Imola
*1798-1809: Works in plans for the Piazza in front of the Duomo of Milan.
*1799: designs the civil hospital of Cesena and a giant triumphal arch.
*1800: designs a column to celebrate the battle of Marengo.
*1802 - 1813: He designs various works in Milan, and a palazzo the Legation to Paris from the Kingdom of Italy
*1806-1807: designs in Faenza the Civic Cemetery.
*1805-1810: plans the reconstruction of the castle of Imola (rocca dImola).
*1814: he dies in Faenza.


* [| Exhibition in Palazzo Mizetti]

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