Sextus Calpurnius Agricola

Sextus Calpurnius Agricola

Sextus Calpurnius Agricola was a Roman general and politician of the 2nd century.

Calpurnius Agricola was governor of Germania Superior around 158.

In 163, he was sent to Britain to control uprisings in the north. He rebuilt a number of forts, most notably that at Coria (Corbridge). He withdrew troops southwards from Scotland towards the line of Hadrian's Wall to contend with the threats of further rebellion.

There are indications of unrest in Britain around the time of his rule attested by damage to the forum at Viroconium Cornoviorum (Wroxeter) and the burning of a large part of Verulamium (St Albans).

Between 168-169, he was a governor of Lower Moesia.

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list=Roman governors of Britain

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